Sexual harassment

How to report

  • If this is an emergency: Call 911
  • Online Report: .
  • Zeva R Edmondson: Title IX Coordinator | (775) 784-1547 | eotix@unr.edu

Sexual harassment

“Sexual harassment” means conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

  1. An employee of a NSHE institution conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the institution on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct;
  2. Unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the institution’s education program or activity; or
  3. Sexual assault, as defined by the Clery Act, 34 C.F.R. § 668.46(a), as amended by the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, including but not limited to dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

For the purposes of this definition, “education program or activity” includes locations, events, or circumstances over which an institution exercised substantial control over both the respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment occurs, and also includes any building owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by an institution, which may include but is not limited to recognized fraternity, sorority, or student organizations. This definition does not apply to persons outside the United States.

How we will respond

When the University has actual knowledge of sexual harassment allegations in an UNR education program or activity of the institution, we will respond promptly in a manner that is not deliberately indifferent.  Our response will treat complainants and respondents equitably by offering supportive measures to all parties, and by following a complaint process that complies with NSHE policies before the imposition of any disciplinary sanctions or other actions that are not supportive measures.

The Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX office will promptly contact the complainant to discuss the availability of supportive measures, consider the complainant’s wishes with respect to supportive measures, inform the complainant of the availability of supportive measures with or without the filing of a formal complaint, and explain to the complainant the process for filing a formal complaint.

What immediate help is available?

Depending on the specific nature of the problem, supportive measures may include, but are not limited to:

For students

  • Issuing a no-contact directive(s);
  • Providing an effective escort to ensure safe movement between classes and activities;
  • Not sharing classes or extracurricular activities;
  • Moving to a different residence hall;
  • Providing written information regarding institution and community services including but not limited to medical, counseling and academic support services, such as tutoring;
  • Providing extra time to complete or re-take a class or withdraw from a class without an academic or financial penalty;
  • Restricting to online classes;
  • Providing information regarding campus transportation options;
  • Reviewing any disciplinary actions taken against the complainant or the respondent to see if there is a connection between the sexual misconduct and the misconduct that may have resulted in the complainant or the respondent being disciplined; 1 and
  • Requiring the parties to report any violations of these restrictions.

For employees

  • Providing an effective escort to ensure safe movement between work area and/or parking lots/other campus locations;
  • Issuing a no-contact directive(s);
  • Placement on paid leave (not sick or annual leave);
  • Placement on administrative leave;
  • Transfer to a different area/department or shift in order to eliminate or reduce further business/social contact;
  • Providing information regarding campus transportation options;
  • Instructions to stop the conduct;
  • Providing information regarding institution and community services including medical, counseling and Employee Assistance Program;
  • Reassignment of duties;
  • Changing the supervisory authority; and
  • Directing the parties to report any violations of these restrictions.

Supportive measures will be confidential to the extent that such confidentiality will not impair the effectiveness of such measures or remedies.

[1] For example, if one party was disciplined for skipping a class in which the other party was enrolled, the institution should review the incident to determine if class was skipped to avoid contact with the other party.

View a list of campus and community resources

What can you do?

You have the power to make a difference. If we all intervene as bystanders, we can stop sexual assault, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. It is important to note that staying safe is of the utmost importance. Only intervene if it is safe to do so. The following provides examples of how to intervene as a bystander. Additional information is available on our bystander webpage.

Safety suggestions

While there is no absolute way to prevent sexual assault, there are some things you can do to help reduce your risk and promote the safety of others.  

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Try to avoid isolated areas and situations.
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Have a plan as to how you will get home safely.
  • Go with a group of friends and agree to watch out for each other.
  • Do not leave your drink unattended.
  • Do not accept open drinks or drinks you did not watch being made.
  • Do not drink from common open containers.
  • Do not leave a drunk or drugged friend at a party.
  • Communicate your limits and desires firmly.
  • Distract.  If you see a friend in a situation that does not feel quite right, create a distraction and assist your friend to leave.
  • Intervene.  If you see someone who looks uncomfortable or at risk, step in without placing yourself in danger.
  • Enlist the help of others to diffuse a risky situation.
  • Report.  Call the police or tell someone in a position to help.
  • on your phone.

The preceding information was adapted in part from the .