
Bystanders and others

At the University of Nevada, Reno we understand the Power of The Pack. Although we no longer have the Responsible Employee program, which required every employee to report, anyone can report incidents of unlawful discrimination or harassment. As a bystander or witness to unlawful discrimination or harassment, you can play an essential role in supporting the person(s) targeted. Individuals who experience unlawful discrimination or harassment, and bystanders who witness it, have the right to report it. The University will take the necessary steps to protect from retaliation those, who in good faith, report incidents of possible unlawful discrimination or harassment.

Bystander reports and reports by others

All relevant details about the alleged unlawful discrimination or harassment should be provided by the reporting individual or the person who witnessed the incident. This includes the name of the reporting individual, the names of the individuals involved, to include witnesses and any other relevant facts (e.g., date, time and location of incident).

What to do if someone reports unlawful discrimination or harassment to you

You should follow the lead of the person who has reported the discriminatory conduct to you. Seek their permission before sharing details they have reported to you. Be willing to help them navigate the reporting process. Be ready to “ASIST.”

  • Affirm. Affirm that you are there to help, and offer to report the incident (including names) to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX. Make it clear that you are seeking their permission.
  • Support. Support their decision to talk to someone. Listen! Take notes so that if you report to EO/TIX you submit accurate information.
  • Inform. Inform the reporting individual that telling you does not mean that a formal complaint has been filed or that there will be an investigation. They can file a report online directly with EO/TIX by going to EOTIX Incident Report Form or you can offer to file a bystander report for them.
  • Submit. Submit a Bystander and Others Report as soon as possible after witnessing the incident or speaking with the reporting individual if they would like your assistance. Remember to discuss your intent with the individual who reported to you. Don't forget to attach any relevant documents (images, screenshots, etc.) to your report.
  • Tell. Tell the reporting individual about resources available to them, including their right to go to the police if they are in fear of imminent danger. Tell them that it is likely that someone from EO/TIX will contact them to further discuss resources and their rights if any report is filed.

Key points to remember

  • Do not attempt to investigate
  • Do not judge or use judgmental language
  • Be cognizant of your body language if someone is sharing their experience with you
  • Do not confront the alleged actors or people involved
  • Do not pressure the reporting party regarding the extent of the report
  • Do not pressure the individual to contact the police
  • Remember confidentiality rules limit the disclosure of information and, therefore, you will not be given updates on this matter if it does not personally involve you