
Events and programs in support of teaching excellence

Open programming

We offer a variety of programs to support and empower you in developing your pedagogical skills and advancing your teaching practice.

Book group on inclusive instruction

This semester we will facilitate a book group on the recent publication by Tracie Marcella Addy, Derek Dube, Khadijah A. Mitchell and Mallory SoRelle. Along with reading and meeting for discussion, participants in the book group will be encouraged to implement a new teaching strategy and to reflect on and share the results with the group.

This book group is now full. Please check back for future announcements regarding events and programs.

New faculty programming

We now offer special programming for new faculty: a week-long orientation to teaching to help you prepare to teach at the University of Nevada, Reno for the first time and a more in-depth development program across the first year.

New faculty orientation to teaching

We created this week-long course to welcome faculty and introduce you to essential teaching and learning policies and support resources for teaching and learning on campus.

New faculty cohort program

We created this year-long program to promote deeper learning about teaching in a faculty learning community. We hope to advance your knowledge and competencies in core teaching areas, and to promote your reflection on and advancements in teaching. Our program aims to be comprehensive but also give you some choice as you more deeply pursue topics that are of interest to faculty and most relevant to your teaching.