
Section I: Purpose

The University of Nevada, Reno, is a higher education institution committed to the intellectual and personal growth of its students as scholars and citizens. The University (see Definition 33) is dedicated to academic excellence in academic pursuits, life-long learning, and personal development of each Student (see Definition 29). Students enrolled at the University, whether it is on campus, off campus, or online, are expected to exhibit high standards of behavior and are expected to treat members and guests of the community with respect.

The Student Code of Conduct (“Code”) and associated processes are designed to promote the values of the University, enforce the standards of behavior on and off campus as well as encourage students to reflect on decisions and improve decision making in the future. The Code exists to set forth prohibited conduct and specify the educational processes for determining responsibility for alleged violations of regulations. The Code outlines a disciplinary process that promotes and provides an educational experience that facilitates the development of individual students and student organizations.

Therefore, an important goal of the Code, and its processes for the resolution of student misconduct, is to teach students to live and act responsibly in a community, with respect for the rights of other students and members of that community, and for the property, common resources, and regulations and policies associated with that community. As students participate in the campus community and its sponsored activities, they are responsible for their own actions and are subject to local ordinances and local, state, and national laws, as well as all university directives, regulations, and policies.

On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education issued new regulations that defined sexual harassment under Title IX. The issuance of these new regulations, resulted in the Nevada System of Higher Education (“NSHE” see Definition 18) revising NSHE’s policy against sexual harassment, including the complaint procedure, so that it complies with the new Title IX regulations on sexual harassment.

The University has also revised its Student Code of Conduct so that it complies with the NSHE policy and the new Title IX regulations regarding sexual harassment. Except as otherwise provided, Section II through Section IV do not apply to “sexual harassment” under Title IX, the requirements, and procedures of which are stated in Section VII. Section II states the scope and authority and jurisdiction of the University for non-Title IX sexual harassment cases. Section III enumerates the conduct prohibited under the Student Code of Conduct, including unlawful discrimination and unlawful harassment that does not constitution Title IX “sexual harassment” under Section VII. Section IV contains the complaint and investigation procedures for prohibited conduct enumerated in Section III, including complaints of unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment that do not constitute Title IX “sexual harassment” under Section VII. Subsection VII sets forth the University’s sexual harassment policy under Title IX, defines “sexual harassment” under Title IX, describes the remedies and supportive measures available in a Title IX sexual harassment matter, and describes the requirements and procedures for a Title IX sexual harassment complaint, investigation, informal resolution, live hearing, and appeal.

The Code may be viewed online and the University course catalog. Printed copies of the Code may be requested at the Office of Student Conduct. Definitions of terms used in this Code, can be found in Appendix I.