
Center for Integrative Neuroscience

A multidisciplinary research center bringing together neuroscientists from across campus to foster complementary and synergistic approaches to understanding the brain and neurological disorders.

Projects and funding

NIH COBRE Awards P30 GM145646 and P20 GM103650

Michael A. Webster, Director and Principal Investigator

The Center supports the research and mentoring of junior faculty, as well as core facilities to provide access to modern state-of-the-art equipment for studying the brain and to research with special neurological populations. The center is supported by an NIH/NIGMS Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant (P30 GM145646 and P20 GM103650). COBRE grants are designed to build the faculty and resources that will strengthen an institution's research capacity and expertise in focused areas of biomedical science. 

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