

Please begin the leasing process by completing our application. Information on applying can be found on the Apply to Ponderosa page. Completing an application is not a guarantee of occupancy; our staff will contact you with more details about availability and anticipated vacancies.

All applicants and any additional occupants of the unit will be required to complete a background check and credit check (primary applicant only) before signing a lease.


Qualifying events for lease cancellation

If your situation has changed since after the signing of your lease Agreement, please refer back to the lease agreement as it states what is possible in terms of requesting to be released. Please note that only the following "Qualifying Events” will be considered by a committee of students and staff when a Ponderosa Village resident(s) requests to break their legally binding lease agreement:

  • Resident withdraws or is separated from University for medical reasons. Resident’s notice must be accompanied by documentation from a qualified physician who is certified to write prescriptions.
  • Resident’s international visa status changes, and resident is no longer able to attend the university. Proof must be provided.
  • Resident is drafted or commissioned by the U.S. Armed Forces for active duty; provided, resident provides documentation to the University that resident:
    • is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or reserves on active duty or a member of the National Guard called to active duty
    • and, has received orders for permanent change-of-station or to deploy with a military unit placed on active military duty.
  • Resident will graduate in December. Ponderosa Village will verify this information with the University Registrar. Graduating in August or May are not considered “Qualifying Events.”

Common reasons or event that will not be considered

As you think about your situation and are considering submitting a request to be released from your legally binding lease agreement, please reflect on the following reasons students have provided in the past.

The following reasons do NOT qualify as reasons to break the lease agreement:

  • "I signed a lease agreement to live off campus (in the middle of my current license agreement)"
  • "I need/want to live off campus for financial reasons"
  • "I am not from this country and therefore do not understand the culture nor the leasing laws”
  • “I did not read my lease agreement before I signed it and therefore was unaware”
  • “My significant other is moving to Reno and we will be living off-campus”
  • “I was not able to get documentation on official letterhead from a medical provider"
  • "I did not understand my lease and was unaware that I cannot break my lease agreement”
  • I don't have documentation showing a significant decrease in income/ability to pay for housing.”
  • "I want to take all online classes and therefore will be moving off campus"
  • “I found someone that can rent my lease but are not eligible to take over my lease.”
  • "I moved out of on-campus housing and no longer live there"