
Graduate faculty listing policies and procedures

Graduate faculty listing

** Designates faculty who can only serve as an inside member for the listed program. These faculty members are not eligible to serve as Graduate School representatives or as major advisors.

Graduate faculty listing
Name Email Home Department Program
Abbasi, Behrooz ba@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering
Abboud Holbrook, Mia miaholbrook@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Abernathy, Tammy tammy@unr.edu Office of the Provost Special Education
Adams, Britni britnia@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Adams, Dean vdadams@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Agarwal, Shailesh sagarwal@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Aguirre, Matthew maguirre@unr.edu Graduate School Graduate School
Aguirre, Michael michaelaguirre@unr.edu History History
Ahn, Mihye mahn@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Neuroscience
Aiyar, Anaka aaiyar@unr.edu Economics Economics
Akin, Elizabeth eakin@unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Akpinar-Elci, Muge makpinar@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Environmental Sciences & Health
Akter Anima, Bashira banima@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Alavosius, Mark marka@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Albano, Christine christine.albano@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences, Geography
Albrecht, Jim jamesalbrecht@unr.edu Music Music
Albright, Tom talbright@unr.edu Geography Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Geography
Allan, Euan eallan@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Allan, Nigel** njrallan@ucdavis.edu - Geography
Allen, Julie jallen23@unr.edu - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Allen, Scott scottallen@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Hydrologic Sciences, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Alpuche, Mario malpuche@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Altick, Amy aaltick@unr.edu Biology Neuroscience
Altieri, Jason jaltieri@unr.edu Music Music
Altinay, Zeynep zaltinay@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Alvarez-Ponce, David dap@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biology
Ampleford, David** damplef@sandia.gov - Physics
Anam, Nasia nanam@unr.edu English English
Anderson, Josh jcanderson@unr.edu Music Music
Anderson, Kimberly kda@unr.edu Library Reno Campus History
Andrade-Rodriguez, Manuel andradea@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Animal and Rangeland Science
Andrews, Caesar caesara@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Apambire, Braimah braimah.apambire@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Arienzo, Monica monica.arienzo@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Ariznabarreta, Larraitz lariznabarreta@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies Basque Studies
Arnone, Jay (John) jarnone@dri.edu DRI: Biology Hydrologic Sciences, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Environmental Sciences & Health
Arnott, William P. arnottw@unr.edu Physics Atmospheric Sciences, Physics, Chemical Physics
Arnow, Deborah darnow@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Asryan, Albina** albina7a@yahoo.com - Music
Atapine, Dmitri datapine@unr.edu Music Music
AuCoin, David daucoin@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Aureli, Matteo maureli@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Austin, Elizabeth** elizabeth@weatherextreme.com - Atmospheric Sciences
Awe, Thomas** tjawe@sandia.gov - Physics
Aylward, Alex aaylward@unr.edu Educational Studies Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Bacon, Steven steven.bacon@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Baguley, Jeff baguley@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Environmental Sciences & Health
Baker, Josh jebaker@unr.edu VP Research and Innovation Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biomedical Engineering, , Neuroscience
Baker, Sal sabubaker@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Baker, Timothy tkbaker@med.unr.edu Internal Medicine - Reno Graduate School
Baldan, Davide dbaldan@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Barber, Alicia** alicia_barber@yahoo.com - Geography
Barber, Kari karibarber@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Barfar, Arash abarfar@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Barile, Christopher cbarile@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Barker, James (Pat) barkerj@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Barlas, Yafis ybarlas@unr.edu Physics Physics
Barnard, James jbarnard@unr.edu Physics Physics
Barnett, Scott sdbarnett@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Barrios Masias, Felipe fbarriosmasias@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Animal and Rangeland Science
Barthe, Emmanuel emmanuelb@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Justice Management
Bassett, Scott sbassett@unr.edu Geography Geography, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Batz, Ruby rbatzherrera@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education & Disabilities Studies, Special Education
Bauer, Bruno S. bbauer@unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics, Biomedical Engineering
Baxter, Kimberly kimbaxter@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Beardsley, Jonathan jbeardsley@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Bebis, George bebis@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Beekun, Rafik rafikb@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Bell, Thomas W. twb@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Bellamy, Jim jbellamy@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Ben-Idris, Mohammed mbenidris@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Benedict, Jamie jamieb@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Nutrition, Public Health
Benjamin, Adam adambenjamin@unr.edu Music Music
Bennett, Sheryl sherylb@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Bennum, Dave daveb@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Physics
Benuto, Lorraine lbenuto@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Berli, Markus markus.berli@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Berry, Kate A. kberry@unr.edu Geography Geography
Berryhill, Marian mberryhill@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Berthelot, Emily eberthelot@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Social Psychology
Bettencourt-Dias, Ana abd@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Bhargava, Rahul rahulb@unr.edu Finance Business-MBA, Finance
Bhatia, Jon jbhatia@unr.edu Music Music
Bigio, Erica ebigio@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Biondi, Franco fbiondi@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Atmospheric Sciences
Birkinbine, Benjamin bbirkinbine@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Bisbing, Sarah sbisbing@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Black, Carina cblack@unr.edu Northern Nevada International Center Graduate School
Blaszczak, Joanna jblaszczak@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Hydrologic Sciences
Bleich, Vernon** vbleich@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences - Experiment Station Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Blewitt, Geoffrey gblewitt@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Blume, Laura lblume@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Boehm, Deborah dboehm@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology, Gender, Race, and Identitiy
Bogard, Rebekah rebekahb@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Bogolub, Kyren kbogolub@unr.edu Nevada Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Boisrame, Gabrielle gabrielle.boisrame@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Bok, Jared jbok@unr.edu Sociology Sociology
Bonow, Jennifer jcastell@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis (Online/Satellite)
Boren, Carly boren@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling and Ed Supervision PhD
Bornstein, Brian** brianbornstein63@gmail.com - Social Psychology
Borotto, Nicholas nborotto@unr.edu Chemistry Physics, Chemical Physics, Chemistry
Boyle, Douglas douglasb@unr.edu University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe Geography, Atmospheric Sciences
Brancamp, Tami tbrancamp@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Branch, Michael mbranch@unr.edu English English
Breazeale, Don breazealed@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Cooperative Extension (Ag Ed)
Brett, Paul pbrett@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Bridgett, David dbridgett@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Clinical
Briggs, Laura lbriggs@tmcc.edu TMCC: Life Sciences, Allied Health and Public Safety Environmental Sciences & Health
Brody, Evan ebrody@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Bronander, Kirk kbronander@med.unr.edu Internal Medicine - Reno Medicine
Brown, Jessi** jessilbrown@gmail.com - Geography
Brown, Timothy tim.brown@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Brownlow-Calkin, Rosemary rbrownlowcalkin@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance, Music
Buchanan, Samantha samanthabuchanan@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Buckle, Ian igbuckle@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Burkin, Dean dburkin@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Burkin, Heather hburkin@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Burleson, Shannon sburleson@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Burnham, Melissa mburnham@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Information Technology (Education), Human Development Family Science, Social Psychology
Burnham, Thomas thomasburnham@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA, Economics
Burtnick, Mary mburtnick@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Buxton, Iain L. ibuxton@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biochemistry
Cabral, Adi adrianoc@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance
Caldwell, Todd** tcaldwell@usgs.gov - Hydrologic Sciences
Cale, Robert rcale@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Calkin-Low, Tyler tbcalkin@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Callaghan, Glenn M.** glenn@email.sjsu.edu - Psychology
Calvin, Wendy wcalvin@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Atmospheric Sciences, Geological Sciences
Canon, Luisa** lcanon@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Cantu, David dcantu@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering
Cao, Lei leicao@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Cao, Wenrong wenrongc@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Caplovitz, Gideon gcaplovitz@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Cardillo, Carlos ccardillo@unr.edu Nevada Center for Applied Research Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carlson, Aubree carlsona@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Carlson, Krista kc@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Materials Science and Engineering
Carpenter, Anne annecarpenter@unr.edu Economics Economics
Carroll, Rosemary rosemary.carroll@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Carson, Jennifer jennifercarson@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Case, Rod rcase@unr.edu Educational Studies English Language Learners, Equity and Diversity in Education
Casey, Sean scasey@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Cashman, Patricia pcashman@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Catalano, Vincent J. vjc@unr.edu Office of the Provost Chemistry
Chalifoux, Wesley wchalifoux@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Chamberlin, Reed rchamberlin@unr.edu Music Music
Chambers, Jeanne S. chambers@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Chandra, Sudeep sudeep@unr.edu Biology Biology, Environmental Sciences & Health, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Hydrologic Sciences
Charyyev, Batyr bcharyyev@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Chatterjee, Indira indira@unr.edu College of Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Chellman, Nathan nathan.chellman@dri.edu DRI: Snow and Ice Hydrologist Hydrologic Sciences
Chen, Jinsong jinsongc@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Chen, Li-Ting litingc@unr.edu Educational Studies Information Technology (Education), STEM in Education
Chen, Yinghan yinghanc@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Neuroscience
Cherney, James jcherney@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Chidambaram, Devicharan dcc@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Materials Science and Engineering
Choi, Won-Gyu wgchoi@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Choroszy, Melisa choroszy@unr.edu Enrollment Services Graduate School
Chorpening, Kelly kchorpening@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Chow, Judith judy.chow@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Christiansen, Elizabeth elizabethc@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Chu, Pengbo pengboc@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering
Chuan, Bryan bchuan@unr.edu Music Music
Church, Chris christopherchurch@unr.edu History History
Clark, Jessie jessieclark@unr.edu Geography Geography
Clayton, Ian iclayton@unr.edu English English
Clements-Nolle, Kristen clements@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Coake, Christopher cjcoake@unr.edu English English
Coate, Roger** rogercoate@gcsu.edu - Political Science
Coates, Peter** pcoates@usgs.gov - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Cobine, Caroline ccobine@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Coll, Kate kathryncoll@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Combs, Mark combsm@unr.edu School of the Arts Visual Art
Commuri, Sesh scommuri@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
Condon, Lea** lcondon@usgs.gov UNR Ag Biotech and Natural Resources Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Constantino, Nora nlc@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Contreras, Bethany bethanycontreras@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Cook, Daniel dmcook@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Social Psychology
Coolbaugh, Mark mfc@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Cooper, Takesha takeshac@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Neuroscience
Coppes, Max mcoppes@med.unr.edu Pediatrics - Reno Public Health
Coran, Justin justin.coran@renown.org Office of Academic Affairs - Reno Public Health, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Corey, Ed (Horace) coreyh@unr.edu Music Music
Cornejo, Pablo** pcornejo-warner@csuchico.edu - Chemical Engineering
Coronella, Charles coronella@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering
Covington, Aaron acovington@unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics
Cowie, Sarah scowie@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Craviso, Gale Louise gcraviso@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering, , Neuroscience
Cremo, Christine cremo@unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Croasdell, David davec@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Accountancy, Business-MBA, Business PhD-Information Systems
Crognale, Mike mcrognale@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, , Neuroscience
Crosbie, Eric ecrosbie@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Crosswell, Laura lcrosswell@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Crowther, David crowther@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Elementary Education
Csank, Adam acsank@unr.edu Geography Geography, Atmospheric Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Hydrologic Sciences
Cummings, Sarah sac@unr.edu Office of the Provost Chemistry
Cunningham, Cari caric@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance
Curcio-Nagy, Linda lindacurcio@unr.edu History History
Cushman, Hall jhcushman@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Cushman, John jcushman@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Dagda, Ruben rdagda@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Dahir, Veronica veronicad@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts Judicial Studies, Social Psychology, Public Health
Dalpe, Kyle** kyle.dalpe@wnc.edu Western Nevada College: President Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Damke, Hanna damke@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Danko, George danko@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering, Hydrologic Sciences
Darrow, Lyndsey ldarrow@unr.edu School of Public Health Environmental Sciences & Health, Public Health
Dascalu, Sergiu dascalus@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Davidson, Jane jdhexen@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Davis, Deborah debdavis@unr.edu Psychology Judicial Studies, Psychology, Social Psychology
Davis, Vern vdavis@unr.edu Physics Physics
Davis-Coelho, Kristen** kdaviscoelho@unr.edu Medical School: Office for Faculty Psychology-Clinical
De Jong, Greta gdejong@unr.edu History History, Judicial Studies
De los Santos, Elizabeth Xeng xdelossantos@unr.edu Educator Preparation Secondary Education, STEM in Education
de Mello, Amilton ademello@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Nutrition, Animal and Rangeland Science
De Rafols, Fred fdrafols@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Deaconu, Valentin vdeaconu@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
DeBoor, Stephanie deboors2@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
DeFlorio, Lydia ldeflorio@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science, Information Technology (Education)
DeKay, Johanna jdekay@med.unr.edu Student Health Services Medicine
DeLeon, Sandra sadeleon@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Demchak, Maryann mad@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education
Demitropoulos, Stacy stacymd@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Dennett, Keith kdennett@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hydrologic Sciences
DePue, Kristina kdepue@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling
Derevianko, Andrei andrei@unr.edu Physics Chemical Physics, Physics
Dermid, Gerold gdermid@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
DesOrmeau, Joel jdesormeau@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Detweiler, Jane jad@unr.edu Office of the Provost English
Deutschman, Alan adeutschman@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Devereux, Paul devereux@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Social Psychology
Diamond, Lindsay ldiamond@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education
Diao, Nancy** ndiao@washoecounty.gov - Public Health
Dickson, Brett** brettdickson@nau.edu - Geography
Dodson, Craig craigd@unr.edu Chemistry Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Domitrovich, Stephanie domitrov@unr.edu Judicial Studies Justice Management
Dorman, Jake jdorman@unr.edu History History
Douglass, William douglass@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies - Emeritus Basque Studies
Douidar, Shaddy sdouidar@unr.edu Finance Business PhD-Finance
Drake, Stephen stephendrake@unr.edu Physics Atmospheric Sciences
Duan, Ran rduan@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Duckworth, Melanie melanied@unr.edu College of Science Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Dunbar, Adam adamdunbar@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Duncan, Cameron cgeneduncan@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Dunham-Cheatham, Sarrah sarrahdc@unr.edu Director's Office - NV Agricultural Experiment Station Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Dunlap, Glen** glendunlap@sbcglobal.net - Special Education
Dworkin, Dennis dworkin@unr.edu History History
Dyer, Lee ldyer@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Earle, Chris cearle@unr.edu English English
Earley, Scott searley@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Easton-Brooks, Donald deastonbrooks@unr.edu College of Education Equity and Diversity in Education
Ebrahimian, Hamed hebrahimian@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Edberg, Dana dte@unr.edu Information Systems Business-MBA, Information Systems
Edgington, Erin eedgington@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Ehrenreich, Samuel sam@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
El Zaklit, Josette jelzaklit@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering
Elfass, Sherif elfass@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Elliott, Leslie lelliott@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Public Health
Elliott, Marta melliott@unr.edu Sociology Social Psychology, Sociology
Ellis, Shannon elliss@unr.edu VP Student Services Graduate School
Ellison, Patricia ellison@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Elston, Robert** elston@pyramid.net Anthropology Anthropology
Emanuel, Ryan** ryan.emanuel@duke.edu Agriculture, Nutrition and Veterinary Services Animal and Rangeland Science
Engelbrecht, Johann johann.engelbrecht@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science - Emeritus Atmospheric Sciences
Epstein, Peter pepstein@unr.edu Music Music
Erfani, Ehsan Ehsan.Erfani@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Ervin, Susan sme@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Nursing
Escobar, Guadalupe lescobar@unr.edu English English, Gender, Race, and Identitiy
Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi, Elnaz elnaze@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Esque, Todd** todd_esque@usgs.gov - Geography
Ester, Edward eester@unr.edu Psychology Neuroscience
Etezadi-Amoli, Mehdi etezadi@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Etezadi-Amoli, Neda netezadiamoli@med.unr.edu Medical School: OB-GYN Reno Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Etienne, Vadricka vetienne@unr.edu Sociology Sociology, Gender, Race, and Identitiy
Etyemezian, Vicken vic.etyemezian@dri.edu DRI: Vice President Atmospheric Sciences
Eubank, William bille@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Eubanks, Steven seubanks@unr.edu Music Music
Evans, Allison allisonevans@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Evans, William P. wevans@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Human Development Family Science, Information Technology (Education), Nutrition, , Social Psychology
Everett, Pam peverett@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Evrensel, Cahit cahit@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Fadali, Mohammed S. fadali@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Fajri, Poria pfajri@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Falke, Jeff jfalke@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Fan, Feifei ffan@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Fassbender, Eric efassbender@unr.edu Music Music
Faulds, Jim jfaulds@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Favre, Isabelle favre@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Feil-Seifer, David dave@cse.unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Feldman, Christoffer ophis@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Felts, M. Todd mfelts@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Feng, Jia jiaf@unr.edu Geography Geography
Feng Earley, Yumei yumeifeng@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Nutrition, , Neuroscience
Fennema, Scott** sfennema@usbr.gov - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Ferdowsali, Jackie jferdowsali@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Ferguson, Bradley bferguson@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Nutrition, , Cellular & Molecular Biology
Ferreira dos Santos, Patricia pfsantos@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, , Environmental Sciences & Health
File, Patrick pfile@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Fisette, Jason jfisette@unr.edu Philosophy Philosophy
Fish, Tracy tfish@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Fisher, Jane E. fisher@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Fitch, Amy afitch@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Fitzgerald, Kelsey kmfitzgerald@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Follette, William follette@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Folmer, Eelke efolmer@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Fonseca, Mozart mfonseca@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Nutrition, Animal and Rangeland Science, Environmental Sciences & Health
Forister, Matthew mforister@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Forline, Louis forline@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Fossen, Frank ffossen@unr.edu Economics Economics
Fournier, Kevin** fournier2@llnl.gov - Physics
Frank, Natia nfrank@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Franks, Matthew mattfranks@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Freeman, Brenda brendafreeman@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling, Information Technology (Education), Counseling and Ed Supervision PhD
Fregoso Bailon, Raul rfregosobailon@unr.edu Educational Studies Equity and Diversity in Education
Frese, Steven sfrese@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Nutrition, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Animal and Rangeland Science
Fridland, Valerie fridland@unr.edu English English
Friedman, Sarah sfriedman@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Fronapfel, Brighid bfronapfel@unr.edu - Special Education
Frost, Brian frost@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Fu, Xingang xfu@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Fu, You youf@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Kinesiology
Fuelling**, Stephan sfuelling@outlook.com - Physics
Furtak-Cole, Eden eden.furtak-cole@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Fusco, Katherine kfusco@unr.edu English English
Galek, Kristine kgalek@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Gallo, Jessica jgallo@unr.edu Educator Preparation Equity and Diversity in Education, Secondary Education
Gander, Robert rgander@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance
Garg, Navneet** navneet.garg@faa.gov - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Garlic, Nicole nlemiregarlic@unr.edu Judicial Studies Judicial Studies, Justice Management
Garn, Joshua jgarn@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Gatowski, Sophia sophiag@unr.edu Graduate School - Adjunct Social Psychology
Gautam, Mridul mgautam@unr.edu VP Research and Innovation Graduate School
Gayles, Prisca pgayles@unr.edu Sociology Sociology, Gender, Race, and Identitiy
Gearhart, Amanda amandagearhart@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science
Geary, Laina lgeary@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Geddes, Jason jgeddes@unr.edu - Environmental Sciences & Health
Gehrke, Steve sgehrke@unr.edu English English
Gelman, Jeremy jgelman@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Gifford, Justin jdgifford@unr.edu English English
Gillies, John A. jack.gillies@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Giordano, Marco marco.giordano@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Goin, Peter pgoin@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Gonzales, Albert albertgonzales@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Gordon, Stacia staciag@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Gorham, Ab agorham@unr.edu Black Rock Press Visual Art
Gould, Thomas tgould@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Grainger, Nathan ngrainger@unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Granner, Michelle mgranner@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Nutrition
Green, Mark mark.green@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Green, Roger rogergreen@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Greenberg, Jonathan jgreenberg@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Greenwald, Ashley** agreenwald@unr.edu Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities Special Education
Greer, CJ cjgreer@unr.edu Music Music
Greiner, Miles greiner@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Griffin, Timothy tgriffin@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Justice Management
Griswold, Mary Tabor tgriswold@med.unr.edu Office of Statewide Initiatives Medicine
Groth, Cary cgroth@unr.edu College of Business Business-MBA
Guerrero, Federico guerrero@unr.edu Economics Economics
Guild, Ivy iguild@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Gulia-Nuss, Monika mgulianuss@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, , Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Gumus, Mehmet mgumus@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Gustin, Mae S. mgustin@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Gutierrez, Rose Ann roseanng@unr.edu Educational Studies Equity and Diversity in Education
Guyer, Robert** guyer@physics.umass.edu - Physics
Hadj Nacer, Mustafa mhadjnacer@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Hagerstrom, Glenn ghagerstrom@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Nursing
Haigh, Sarah shaigh@unr.edu Psychology Neuroscience
Hajj, Elie elieh@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Halford, Joseph jhalford@unr.edu Finance Finance, Business-MBA, Business PhD-Finance
Halt, Hans hhalt@unr.edu Music Music
Hamblin, Terra thamblin@unr.edu Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies Human Development Family Science
Hamilton, Bryan bryan_hamilton@nps.gov Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Hammond, William (Bill) whammond@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Hanan, Erin ehanan@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, , Hydrologic Sciences
Hand, Adam adamhand@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hand, Emily emhand@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Hanigan, David dhanigan@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Health, Hydrologic Sciences
Hanna, Alexis alexishanna@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Hanna, James jhanna@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Hanna Daftary, Ashley-Marie ahanna@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Hannan, Miya miyah@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Harper, Jeff jfharper@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Harpold, Adrian aharpold@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Hydrologic Sciences, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Harris, Frederick (Fred) fred.harris@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Harris, Thomas harris@unr.edu Management Public Health, Economics
Harry, Debra dharry@unr.edu Gender, Race and Identity Gender, Race, and Identitiy
Hartshorn, Ian ihartshorn@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Harvey, Robert rdharvey@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Hatchett, Bejamin benjamin.hatchett@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Hattori, Eugene hattori@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Hausner, Mark mark.hausner@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Hayes, Jack P. jhayes@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Hayes, Steven C. hayes@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Psychology, Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Hazlett-Stevens, Holly hhazlett@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Heaton, Jill jheaton@unr.edu Office of the Provost Geography, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Heggli, Anne anne.heggli@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Heglund, Andrew aheglund@unr.edu Music Music
Heinemann, Angela aheinemann@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Kinesiology
Heinitz, Claire** claireheinitz@ars.usda.edu - Biochemistry
Hendrick, Catherine Emily ehendrick@unr.edu - Public Health
Herald, Chris herald@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Hernandez, Juan juancarlosg@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Hernandez, Karla karlah@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry
Hertel, Ahren ahrenh@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Hess, Andrew ahess@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science
Hess, David dhess@med.unr.edu Pathology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Hibbard, Shannon Shannon.Hibbard@dri.edu DRI: Earth and Ecosystem Science Hydrologic Sciences
Higgins, Natalie nhiggins@unr.edu Music Music
Highison, Gregory J. ghighison@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Medicine
Hiibel, Sage shiibel@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Hydrologic Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Hill, Aaron aaronhill@unr.edu Music Music
Hill, Jen jmhill@unr.edu English English
Hinton, Scott shinton@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Hintz, Carrie chintz@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Hitchcock, Mick** mickhitchcock@gilead.com - Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Hobson, Emily ehobson@unr.edu Gender, Race and Identity History, Gender, Race, and Identitiy
Hockett, Bryan** bryan_hockett@nv.blm.gov Anthropology Anthropology
Hoekman, Kent kent.hoekman@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science - Emeritus Environmental Sciences & Health, Atmospheric Sciences
Hogan, Zeb zhogan@unr.edu Biology Biology
Hollander, Jennifer jhollander@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Holston, Ezra eholston@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing, Neuroscience
Hope-Weeks, Louisa lhope-weeks@unr.edu College of Science Chemistry
Hosseinpour, Farnaz farnaz.hosseinpour@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Houmanfar, Ramona ramonah@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Howard, Christie cjhoward@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Hoy, Jennifer jhoy@unr.edu Biology Neuroscience, Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Hu, Jinyu jinyuh@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Hu, Rui ruihu@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Huang, Jing Jing jingjingh@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Huang, Leonard leonardhuang@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Hudig, Dorothy dhudig@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Hudson, Jim jim.hudson@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Huerta Moreno, Lydia lhuertam@unr.edu Gender, Race and Identity Communication Studies, Gender, Race, and Identitiy
Huff, Rachel** rachelhuff@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Huntington, Justin justin.huntington@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Hurtado, Paul phurtado@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Hutsler, Jeffrey jhutsler@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Inestrillas, Maria (Mar) mar@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Ingram, Callum callumi@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Irujo Ametzaga, Xabier irujo@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies Basque Studies
Isabelli, Casilde isabelli@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts World Language and Literature
Ivanov, Vladimir ivanov@unr.edu Physics Physics
Ives, Bob rives@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education & Disabilities Studies, Special Education, Equity and Diversity in Education
Jabuka, Stanislav jabuka@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Jackson, Mark markjackson@unr.edu Accounting Accountancy
Jacobs, Nicole nnjacobs@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Psychiatry
Jarrell, Melissa mjarrell@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Jasoni, Richard richard.jasoni@dri.edu DRI: Earth and Ecosystem Science Hydrologic Sciences
Jazwa, Christopher cjazwa@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Jefferson, Felicia fjefferson@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Environmental Sciences & Health, Neuroscience, Biochemistry
Jeffrey, Chris cjeffrey@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Jennings, Enid ejennings@med.unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Jeon, Hyo Jin (Jean) hjeon@unr.edu Marketing Justice Management, Business-MBA
Jeon, Hyun-Joo hyunjooj@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science, Information Technology (Education)
Jeyakumar, Angeline ajeyakumar@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health
Jiang, Fang fangj@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, , Neuroscience
Jiang, Yanyao yjiang@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Jin, Yifei yifeij@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
John, David** djohn@usgs.gov - Geological Sciences
Johnson, Brad bradjohnson@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Johnson, Christine ckjohnson@unr.edu Anthropology Geography
Jones, Daniel djones2@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Social Psychology, Business PhD-Management
Jones, Peter peterjones@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Joshi, K.D. kjoshi@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Jowitt, Simon sjowitt@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Jun, Yoon-Bae yoonbaej@unr.edu School of Public Health Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Kallu, Raj rkallu@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Kantsyrev, Victor victor@unr.edu Physics Physics
Kaplan, Michael mike.kaplan@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Karam, Fares fkaram@unr.edu Educational Studies English Language Learners, Literacy Studies PhD
Karsy, Michael** michael.karsy@hsc.utah.edu - Cellular & Molecular Biology
Kaul, Mala mkaul@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Ke, Li lke@unr.edu Educator Preparation STEM in Education, Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D.
Keegan, Kaitlin kkeegan@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Keller, Renata renatakeller@unr.edu History History
Kelley, Jonathan** kelley@international-survey.org - Sociology
Kelley, Richard rkelley@unr.edu Nevada Center for Applied Research Computer Science and Engineering
Kelley, Scott scottkelley@unr.edu Geography Geography
Kelly, Tynan tbkelly@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Kemmelmeier, Markus markusk@unr.edu Graduate School Social Psychology, Sociology, Justice Management
Keniston, Ann keniston@unr.edu English English
Kennedy, Maureen** mkenn@uw.edu - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Kenny, John** johnkenney@cui.edu - Physics
Kent, Graham gkent@unr.edu Nevada Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences, Mineral Resource Engineering
Keppelmann, Edward C keppelma@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Keyes, Sarah sarahkeyes@unr.edu History History
Khan, M. Rashed mrkhan@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering, Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering
Khlystov, Andrey andrey.khlystov@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Kidd, Thomas tkidd@unr.edu Biology Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, , Neuroscience
Kilkenny, Frances** ffkilkenny@fs.fed.us - Biology
Kim, Eunhee (Annie) anniekim@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Kim, Jung Hwan jungkim@unr.edu Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Biology
Kim, Kwang kwang.kim@unlv.edu UNLV: Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Kim, Narae naraek@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
King, Benjamin king@chem.unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Kirn, Adam akirn@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Elementary Education, , Reading, Curriculum & Instruction
Klenke, Chrissy cklenke@unr.edu Library Reno Campus Geography
Klingler, Kelly** kklingler@umass.edu - Biology
Ko, In Hwan inhwanko@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Koch, Brandon** koch.374@osu.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Koebele, Elizabeth ekoebele@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Environmental Sciences & Health, Public Administration, , Hydrologic Sciences
Koehler, Rich rkoehler@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Koh, Eunkang ekoh@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Koh, Sang Don skoh@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Kohlenberg, Barbara bkohlenberg@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Psychiatry
Kokenge, Molly mkokenge@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Kokenge, Molly mkokenge@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Koning, Stephanie skoning@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Kosma, Dylan dkosma@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, , Environmental Sciences & Health
Kozel, Tom tkozel@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Kozubowski, Tomasz tkozubow@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Kratsch, Heidi hkratsch@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health
Kratt, Chris krattc@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences
Kraus, Richard rkraus@unr.edu Physics Physics
Kreamer, David dave.kreamer@unlv.edu UNLV: Geoscience Hydrologic Sciences
Kreemer, Cornelis cornelisk@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Kreplin, Karl** kwkreplin@att.net - Sociology
Krueger , Ben benjaminkrueger@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Kumbhat, Mohit mkumbhat@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Kumjian, Alex alex@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Kwon, Paul pkwon@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Clinical
La, Hung (Jim) hla@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
LaCombe, Jeff lacomj@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Materials Science and Engineering
Lacy, Katherine katherinelacy@unr.edu Economics Economics
LaMarca, Paul** plamarca@washoe.k12.nv.us Graduate School Social Psychology
Lamberg, Teruni terunil@unr.edu Educator Preparation Elementary Education, Reading, Curriculum & Instruction
Lancaster, Cynthia cynthialancaster@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Clinical, Information Technology (Education), Neuroscience
Lansing, Amy** amyhugheslansing@uvm.edu - Social Psychology
Lanterman, Jennifer jlanterman@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Laplace, Patrick plaplace@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lareau, Neil nlareau@unr.edu Physics Atmospheric Sciences, Physics
Larson, Cheryl cheryll@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
LaTourrette, Nancy (MS committee only) nancy@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Lau, Pan Shun plau@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Leary, Bret rleary@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Leblanc, Normand nleblanc@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Lee, Angela alee3@unr.edu Sociology Justice Management
Lee, Janice janicelee@unr.edu Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities Human Development Family Science
Lee, Joonhee joonheel@unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics
Lee, Samuel samuellee@med.unr.edu Internal Medicine - Reno Cellular & Molecular Biology
Leger, Elizabeth lelizabeth@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Leitner, David M. dml@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Lembke, Ron ronlembke@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Leonard, Anne anneleonard@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Neuroscience, Biology
Leone, Matthew mleone@unr.edu Criminal Justice Judicial Studies, Criminal Justice, Justice Management
Leonhardt, James jleonhardt@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Lescroart, Mark mlescroart@unr.edu Psychology Neuroscience
Lewis, Kristin kristina2@unr.edu Physics Physics
Lewon, Matthew mlewon@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis, Neuroscience
Li, Bin binl@unr.edu - Materials Science and Engineering
Li, Dingsheng dingshengl@unr.edu School of Public Health Environmental Sciences & Health, Public Health
Li, Li lili@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Environmental Sciences & Health
Li, Sabrina feili@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Li, Wenzhen** wenzhenl@unr.edu Office of Digital Learning Information Technology (Education)
Li, Yifei yifeil@unr.edu Finance Finance
Li, Zhizhong Z zzl@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Liebman, Susan sliebman@unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Lightner, David lightner@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Lindberg, Julianne jlindberg@unr.edu Music Music
Lindsay, Annie alindsay@unr.edu Southern Area Extension Nutrition
Liu, Chunlin liuc@unr.edu Finance Business-MBA, Finance, Business PhD-Finance
Liu, Hongchao** hongchaoliu@ttu.edu - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Liu, Leping liu@unr.edu Educational Studies Information Technology (Education)
Livani, Hanif hlivani@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Locey, Matthew mlocey@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis, Psychology
Lockhart, Darrell lockhart@unr.edu Office of the Provost World Language and Literature
Logan, Michael michaellogan@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Loisel, Julie jloisel@unr.edu Geography Geography
Lombardero, Anayansi alombardero@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Psychology-Clinical
Lombardi, Vincent vlombardi@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Long, Aren arenl@unr.edu Music Music
Louie, John louie@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Louis, Sushil sushil@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Lowman, Jennifer jlowman@unr.edu Student Persistence Research Social Psychology
Lu, Minggen minggenl@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Environmental Sciences & Health
Lumpkin, Will** wlumpkinp@gmail.com - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Lutz, Alexandra alex.lutz@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Geography
Ma, Ben benma@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Health
Macauley Jr., William wmacauleyjr@unr.edu English English
Maccaux, Monica mmaccaux@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Maclean, Marina mmaclean@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry
MacNeilage, Paul pmacneilage@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Madsen, David** dmadsen@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Mahon, Jennifer jmahon@unr.edu Educator Preparation Equity and Diversity in Education, Secondary Education
Maini, Parikshit pmaini@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Majumdar, Sayantan Sayantan.Majumdar@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Makienko, Igor imakienko@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Makoba, Johnson makoba@unr.edu Sociology Sociology
Mancini, Roberto rcman@unr.edu Physics Chemical Physics, Physics
Manifacier, Morgan** mmanifacier@unr.edu Music Music
Manning, Jimmie jimmiem@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Mao, Weiyu weiyum@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Maples, Steve smaples@unr.edu Enrollment Services Graduate School
Maragakis, Emmanuel maragaki@unr.edu President's Office - Emeritus Civil and Environmental Engineering
Marchand, Eric marchand@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hydrologic Sciences
Mardock, James jmardock@unr.edu English English
Marini, John jmarini@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Political Science, Public Administration
Mariscal, Carlos carlos@unr.edu Philosophy Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Philosophy
Marsh, Shawn shawnm@unr.edu Communication Studies Social Psychology, Judicial Studies, Communication Studies
Marshall, Ashley marshall@unr.edu English English
Martin, Susanne susannemartin@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Martins, Larissa lamartins@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry
Mastick, Cynthia Corley cmastick@unr.edu Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Neuroscience
Mastick, Grant gmastick@unr.edu Biology Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, , Neuroscience
Mathew, Dennis dennismathew@unr.edu Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Nutrition, , Biology
Matocq, Marjorie mmatocq@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Mays, Chris cmays@unr.edu English English
Mburia, Ingrid imburia@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
McAfee, Stephanie smcafee@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Geography, Atmospheric Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences, , Environmental Sciences & Health
McBride, Maureen mmcbride@unr.edu University Writing Center English
McCallen, David dmccallen@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
McCarthy, Catherine mccarthy@med.unr.edu Family and Community Medicine - Reno Basque Studies
McCarthy, Maureen Maureen.mccarthy@dri.edu DRI: Earth and Ecosystem Science Physics, Hydrologic Sciences
McClendon, Jennifer jmcclendon@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
McClinton, Melissa mmcclinton@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
McConnell, Joe joe.mcconnell@dri.edu DRI Hydrologic Sciences
McCormack, John mccormac@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Mccoy, Scott scottmccoy@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
McCuin, Gary gmccuin@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Environmental Sciences & Health
McDonough, Frank frank.mcdonough@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
McEvoy, Daniel daniel.mcevoy@dri.edu DRI: Climatology Atmospheric Sciences
McGregor, Ian imcgregor@unr.edu Educator Preparation Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D., Secondary Education
McGwire, Ken kenm@dri.edu DRI: Geography Hydrologic Sciences, Geography
McIlwain, David davidmcilwain@unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
McKee-Ryan, Frances fmryan@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Mckim, Theresa tmckim@unr.edu Biology Neuroscience
McNeill, Kristen** kmcneill@washoeschools.net - Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
McSpadden, James jmcspadden@unr.edu History History
Meadows, Ruth rmeadows@unr.edu Music Music
Medaille, Anna amedaille@unr.edu Library Reno Campus Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Meiman, Paul pmeiman@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Animal and Rangeland Science
Mejia, John john.mejia@dri.edu DRI: Climatology Atmospheric Sciences
Menezes, Pradeep pmenezes@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Merlino, Mara** mara.merlino@kysu.edu - Judicial Studies, Social Psychology
Meskimen, Karen kmeskimen@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Miescke, Kevin kmiescke@unr.edu Music Music
Millar, Constance (Connie)** cmillar@fs.fed.us - Geography
Miller, Elisabeth elisabethmiller@unr.edu English English
Miller, Glenn glennm@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Environmental Sciences & Health
Miller, Katie katiemiller@unr.edu English English
Miller, Mary mvmiller@unr.edu Music Music
Miller, Monica mkmiller@unr.edu Criminal Justice Social Psychology, Criminal Justice, Justice Management
Minarik, Melanie mminarik@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Public Health
Misra, Manoranjan misra@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Mitchell, David david.mitchell@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Mitchell, Paul pmitchel@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Mitchell, Sarah sarahmitchell@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
Mizael, Tahcita** mtahcita@unr.edu - Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Mohammed, Fatima fmohammed@unr.edu Information Systems Business PhD-Information Systems
Mohanty, Manoj mmohanty@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering, Mineral Resource Engineering
Montoya, Ignacio ignaciomontoya@unr.edu English English
Moosmuller, Hans hans.moosmuller@dri.edu DRI: Physics Atmospheric Sciences, Chemical Physics, Hydrologic Sciences
Morgan, Christopher ctmorgan@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Morian, Nathan nathanielm@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Moritz, Gillian gmoritz@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Morris, Lesley lesleym@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Morrow, Weston wmorrow@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Morse, Dan dmorse@unr.edu English English
Mortensen, Jeff jm@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Mortensen, Jennifer mortensen@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
Morzunov, Sergey smorzunov@med.unr.edu - Cellular & Molecular Biology
Mosier, Greg greg.mosier@unr.edu College of Business Business-MBA
Moss, Diana dmoss@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Motamed, Ramin motamed@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mousset-Jones, Pierre F. mousset@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering
Moustafa, Mohamed Aly mmoustafa@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mukhopadhyay, Sankar sankarm@unr.edu Economics Economics
Munoz-Saez, Carolina cmunozsaez@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Muntean, John munteanj@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Murphy, Marina** marinamurphy@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Murphy, Nicole murphyn@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Murray, Alison alison.murray@dri.edu DRI: Biology Environmental Sciences & Health, Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Hydrologic Sciences
Murray, Colleen I. cimurray@unr.edu Sociology Justice Management, Social Psychology, Sociology
Murray, Nicholas nicholasmurray@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Neuroscience, Kinesiology
Mushongera, Leslie lmushongera@unr.edu - Materials Science and Engineering
Mutafova-Yambolieva, Violeta vmutafova@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Mwalili, Adel adelm@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Nagayama, Taisuke** tnnagay@sandia.gov - Physics
Naik**, Swatee snaik@nsf.gov National Science Foundation Mathematics and Statistics
Nair, Aditya adityan@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Namkoong, Jae-Eun jnamkoong@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Naranjo, Ramon** rnaranjo@usgs.gov - Hydrologic Sciences
Narayanan, Sandhya snarayanan@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Naziri, Saeedeh snaziri@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Naznin, Most Tahera mnaznin@unr.edu Southern Area Extension Animal and Rangeland Science
Neill, Paul A. paul@unr.edu Physics Chemical Physics, Physics
Nesbit , Mark mnesbit@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Nesbitt, Carl carln@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering, Chemistry
Newingham, Beth bnewingham@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Ng, Jennifer jenniferng@unr.edu History History
Nguyen, Tin tinn@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Nichols, Mark W. mnichols@unr.edu Economics Economics
Nickel, Chenin ctreftz@unr.edu Nutrition Experiment Station Nutrition
Nicolai, Christopher** cnicolai@deltawaterfowl.org - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Nicolescu, Mircea mircea@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Nicolescu, Monica monica@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Niebur, Louis lniebur@unr.edu Theater and Dance Music
Nine, Cara cnine@unr.edu Philosophy Philosophy
Niswonger, Richard** rniswon@usgs.gov - Hydrologic Sciences
Noble, Paula noblepj@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Noelle L'Abbe, Ericka** erickalabbe@up.ac.za - Anthropology
Nolin, Anne anolin@unr.edu Geography Hydrologic Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Geography
Nomicos, Laura lbarcelosnomicos@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Norris, Gary norris@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Notterpek, Lucia lnotterpek@unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Noyes, Michael mnoyes@unr.edu Judicial Studies Justice Management
Nuss, Andrew nussab@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Animal and Rangeland Science, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Nussear, Kenneth knussear@unr.edu Geography Geography, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Nystrom, Eric enystrom@unr.edu History History
O'Donohue, William wto@unr.edu Psychology Psychology
Oda, Meredith mereditho@unr.edu History History
Odoh, Samuel sodoh@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Oikonomidoy, Eleni eleni@unr.edu COEHD Undergraduate Programs Equity and Diversity in Education
Olaziregi, Marijo** mjolaziregi@ehu.es - Basque Studies
Olman, Lynda olman@unr.edu English English
Olson, Eric ejolson@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Olszewski, Abbie aolszewski@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Oman, Roy roman@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Omar, Mitchell momar@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biochemistry, , Neuroscience
Ormerod, Kerri Jean kormerod@unr.edu Geography Geography
Ostergard, Robert orobert@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Ott, Sandra sott@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies Basque Studies
Ouyang, Jenny jouyang@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Neuroscience, Biology
Owen, Aleksa lexowen@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Owen, Randall randallowen@unr.edu Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities Special Education
Ozuna, Patricia pozuna@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Ozymy, Joshua jozymy@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Social Psychology
Packham, John jpackham@med.unr.edu Internal Medicine - Reno Sociology, Public Health
Padilla, Angelina angelinapadilla@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Pagilla, Krishna pagilla@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Health
Pain, Paro ppain@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Pandori, Mark mpandori@med.unr.edu Pathology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Panorska, Anna ania@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Hydrologic Sciences
Papa, Anthony** papaa@hawaii.edu - Social Psychology
Papachristos, Christos cpapachristos@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Parashar, Rishi rishi.parashar@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences
Parchman, Thomas tparchman@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Park, Eugene genep@unr.edu History History
Park, Hyeyeon (Adela) hyeyeonp@unr.edu Music Music
Park, Jeongwon jepark@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Park, Seri serip@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Park, Sung-Yeon syp@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Parker, Katherine katherineparker@unr.edu Music Music
Parker, Lois loisp@unr.edu Counseling Services Psychology
Parker, P. Elliott elliottp@unr.edu Economics Economics
Parks, Troy** tparks@washoeschools.net - Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Parra, Jose** japarra@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Parvin, Bahram bparvin@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Pason, Amy apason@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Paul, J. Mike** mpaul@washoeschools.net - Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Pauldine, Michael mpauldine@unr.edu Counseling Services Psychology-Clinical
Pavilionis, Philip ppavilionis@unr.edu School of Public Health Kinesiology
Payne, Pamela ppayne@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
Payne, William wpayne@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Environmental Sciences & Health
Pazienza, Annamaria apazienza@unr.edu - History
Peacock, Mary mpeacock@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Pearson, Jennifer jennipearson@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Pekcan, Gokhan pekcan@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pennington, Julie juliep@unr.edu Educational Studies Literacy Studies PhD
Peoples, Clayton peoplesc@unr.edu Sociology Sociology, Social Psychology
Peres, Anushka aperes@unr.edu English English
Perez, Daniel dperez@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts World Language and Literature
Perez, Lazaro lazaro.perez@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Perrino, Brian bperrino@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Perrotte, Jean-Paul jperrotte@unr.edu Music Music
Perryman, Barry perryman@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Nutrition
Petereit, Juli jpetereit@unr.edu Associate VP Research Office Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Petrone, Floriana florianapetrone@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Petursdottir, Anna apetursdottir@unr.edu Psychology Psychology
Pham, Michael mpham@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Experiment Station Biochemistry
Phares**, Denis denisp@unr.edu Physics Physics
Philbin, Casey cphilbin@unr.edu Chemistry Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Piasecki, Melissa mpiasecki@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Psychology
Pieraut, Simon spieraut@unr.edu Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Biology
Pilloud, Marin mpilloud@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Pingle, Mark pingle@unr.edu Economics Economics, Business-MBA
Pinsky, Mark A. pinsky@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Piovesan, Gianluca** piovesan@unitus.it - Geography
Pippin, Sonja sonjap@unr.edu Accounting Accountancy, Information Systems, Business-MBA
Plotkin, Richard rplotkin@unr.edu Physics Physics
Pollard, Catherine catherinep@unr.edu Music Music
Poulson, Simon poulson@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Pram, Kym kpram@unr.edu Economics Economics
Pratt, Austin austinp@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Pratt, Megan meganpratt@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Pravosudov, Vladimir vpravosu@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Pravosudova, Elena epravosudova@unr.edu Biology Biology
Pretell, Renmin rpretell@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Price, Michael** michealprice@gmail.com - Anthropology
Pringle, Beth epringle@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Pritsos, Chris pritsos@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Pu, Xiaoyu xpu@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Quilici, David quilici@unr.edu Core Labs Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Quinn, Robert quinn@unr.edu Educator Preparation Secondary Education
Quint, Thomas quint@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Rachlow, Janet** jrachlow@uidaho.edu - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Raeeszadeh-Sarmazdeh, Maryam maryamr@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering, Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Raffiee, Kambiz raffiee@unr.edu College of Business Economics, Business-MBA
Ramazan, Birant ramazan@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Ramirez Reyes, Carlos cramirezreyes@unr.edu Library Reno Campus Geography, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Randlett, Victoria** vrandlett@tmcc.edu - Geography
Rasmussen, Eric erasmussen@unr.edu English English
Ratliff, Allen aratliff@unr.edu Social Work Psychology-Clinical
Raymond, David** dr@traumabiomechanics.com - Anthropology
Redmond, Miranda mir@berkeley.edu - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Reed, Josh jreed23@unr.edu Music Music
Reed, Peter psreed@unr.edu Sanford Center for Aging Public Health
Reeves, Matthew** matthewreeves@unr.edu Agriculture, Nutrition and Veterinary Sciences - Experiment Station Animal and Rangeland Science
Renden, Robert rendenr@unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Rhode, David E. dave.rhode@dri.edu DRI: Archaeology Anthropology
Richard, Shannon slrichard@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Richardson, James jtr@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Judicial Studies, Social Psychology, Sociology, , Justice Management
Riddle, Misty mistyriddle@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Ridinger, Garret gridinger@unr.edu Management Economics, Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Ris, Ethan eris@unr.edu Educational Studies Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Ritter, Lois lritter@unr.edu - Public Health
Rixom, Jessica jrixom@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Ro, Seungil sro@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Robinson (Richards), Lora lorar@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Rock, Stephen rock@unr.edu Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities Special Education
Rodo de Zarate, Maria** mrodod@uoc.edu - Basque Studies
Rodrigue, Melodi melodir@unr.edu Physics Physics
Rogers, Christopher chrisrogers@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela mikaelars@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Rojas, Raul rrojasgonzalez@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Rolczynski, Brian brolczynski@unr.edu Chemistry Chemical Physics, Chemistry
Rondel, David drondel@unr.edu Philosophy Philosophy
Ross, Jennifer jcallowayross@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling, Counseling and Ed Supervision PhD
Rost, Andy arost@unr.edu University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Sciences
Rousculp, Christopher** rousculp@lan1.gov - Physics
Rudd, Michael mrudd@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Ruecker, Todd truecker@unr.edu English English
Rüeckert, Claudia crueckert@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Running Wolf, Myrton mrunningwolf@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Ruprecht, Philipp pruprecht@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Ryan, Keri klryan@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ryan, Robert robertryan@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Nutrition, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Rybarski, Susan susan.rybarski@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Ryst, Erika eryst@med.unr.edu College of Education Speech Pathology & Audiology
Ryu, So Young soyoungr@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences & Health
Safford, Hugh** hughsafford@fs.fed.us - Geography
Safronova, Alla alla@physics.unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics
Saito, Laurel lsaito@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences - Experiment Station Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Salas Didier, Rachel rgsalas@unr.edu Educational Studies Literacy Studies PhD, English Language Learners
Saltiel, Seth ssaltiel@unr.edu Nevada Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Samburova, Vera vera.samburova@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Sanchez, Jafeth jesanchez@unr.edu Latino Research Center Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Sanders, Kenton ksanders@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Sant'Ambrogio, Stephanie ssantambrogio@unr.edu Music Music
Sarantsev, Andrey asarantsev@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Sattarvand, Javad jsattarvand@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering
Savran, William wsavran@unr.edu Nevada Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Sawada, Hiroshi hsawada@unr.edu Physics Physics
Scheibling, Casey cscheibling@unr.edu Sociology Sociology, Social Psychology
Scheingross, Joel jscheingross@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Schmidt, Deena drschmidt@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Information Technology (Education), Neuroscience
Schoolman, Edward eschoolman@unr.edu History History
Schulz, Jonathan (Jay) jonathanschulz@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis (Online/Satellite)
Schütz, Luis Fernando lschutz@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Environmental Sciences & Health
Sciaroni, Rose rsciaroni@unr.edu Honor's Program Music
Scott, G. Richard grscott@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Sebaaly, Peter E. psebaaly@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sedinger, James jsedinger@cabnr.unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Seibert, David davids@unr.edu Communication Studies Judicial Studies
Seltzer, Nicholas nseltzer@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Public Administration
Sengupta, Shamik ssengupta@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Shannon, Amy ashannon@unr.edu Library Reno Campus Nursing
Shapiro, Hugh shapiro@unr.edu History History
Sheehan, Brendan brendansheehan@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Shen, Yantao ytshen@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience
Sheridan, Robert rss@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Chemistry
Shimanskaya, Elena eshimanskaya@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Shin, Hyung K. shin@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Shindell, Deborah shindell@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Shintani, David shintani@unr.edu Office of the Provost Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Shoemaker, Kevin kevinshoemaker@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Shriver, Robert rshriver@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Siddharthan, Raj siddhart@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sigman-Grant, Madeleine sigman-grantm@unce.unr.edu Southern Area Extension Nutrition
Sikes, Lisa lsikes@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Simmons, Bret simmonsb@unr.edu Management Business-MBA
Singer, Cherie csinger@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Singletary, Loretta singletaryl@unr.edu NV Cooperative Extension Cooperative Extension (Ag Ed), Political Science, Hydrologic Sciences
Sion, Brad brad.sion@dri.edu DRI: Gemorphology Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences
Smilanich, Angela asmilanich@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Smith, Amy afalksmith@unr.edu Office of Institutional Affairs Special Education
Smith, Geoffrey geoffreys@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Smith, Jeremy** smithnation@gmail.com - Geography
Smith Gagen, Julie jsmithgagen@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Smithers, Laura lsmithers@unr.edu Educational Studies Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Snider, Katie ksnider@unr.edu Grant Sawyer Center for Justice Studies Social Psychology
Snow, Jacqueline snow@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Psychology, Neuroscience
Snyder, Keirith Ann** kasnyder@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Experiment Station Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Animal and Rangeland Science
Sokolova, Anna asokolova@unr.edu Economics Economics
Solin, Pavel solin@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Solomon, Juan juansolomon@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Animal and Rangeland Science
Son, Yeongkwon yeongkwon.son@dri.edu DRI: Environmental Health Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Song, Shunfeng song@unr.edu Economics Economics
Sorensen, Todd tsorensen@unr.edu - Economics
Souza Fonseca da Silva, Carolyn carolynsilva@unr.edu Educator Preparation Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D.
Spicer, Leon** leonspicer@okstate.edu - Animal and Rangeland Science
Srivastava, Pradyumn pstrivastava@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
St-Jules, David stjules@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health
Stan, Silvia sstan@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Experiment Station Environmental Sciences & Health, Nutrition
Stanford, Claire clairestanford@unr.edu English English
Stanley, Jared jaredstanley@unr.edu English English
Stark, Carrie starkc@unr.edu NV Cooperative Extension Human Development Family Science
Stavitsky, Alan ags@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Steiner, Adam** amsteine@umich.edu - Physics
Steinmann, Frederick fred@unr.edu Management Economics, Business-MBA
Stevenson, Joshua jstevenson@unr.edu Biology Biology
Stewart, Jessica jstewart@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Stewart, Kelley KelleyS@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Stiles, Erin estiles@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Stillings, Lisa** stilling@usgs.gov Geological Sciences and Engineering Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences
Stoddard, Shawn stoddard@unr.edu Economics Hydrologic Sciences
Stokes, DeVon R.** devonrstokes@yahoo.com - Medicine
Stoughton, Julie jstoughton@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Strachan, Scotty sstrachan@nshe.nevada.edu System Computing Services Geography
Strang, Cameron cstrang@unr.edu History History
Strickland, Matthew mstrickland@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Environmental Sciences & Health
Stringham, Tamzen tstringham@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Animal and Rangeland Science
Strother, Lars lars@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Psychology, Neuroscience
Struve, Kenneth** kwstruv@sandia.gov - Physics
Stull, Kyra kstull@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi** cindisturtzsreetharan@asu.edu - Anthropology
Subramanian, Vaidyanathan ravisv@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Sugar, Judith A. jsugar@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Public Health, Social Psychology
Sullivan, Ben benjaminsullivan@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Sumby, Paul psumby@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Summers, Alicia asummers@unr.edu Social Psychology Social Psychology, Judicial Studies
Sun , Haosen haosens@unr.edu Health Behavior, Policy & Administration Sciences Public Health
Sundali, Jim jsundali@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Sutter, Chevonne csutter@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education, Special Education & Disabilities Studies
Swigart, Tessa** tessasigart@gmail.com - Public Health
Sylvester, Adam David** asylves4@jhmi.edu - Anthropology
Tal-Gan, Yiftah ytalgan@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Talaei-Khoei, Amir atalaeikhoei@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Tam, Tin-Yau ttam@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Tanenhaus, David david.tanenhaus@unlv.edu UNLV: History Judicial Studies
Tavakkoli, Alireza tavakkol@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Taylor, Lisa lktaylor@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Environmental Sciences & Health
Taylor, Michael taylor@unr.edu Economics Economics
Taylor, Shanon shanon@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education & Disabilities Studies, Special Education
Teglas, Mike mteglas@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Animal and Rangeland Science
Telyakovskiy, Aleksey alekseyt@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Thai Tran, Cam Ha camt@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Thomas, Julie juliethomas@med.unr.edu Family and Community Medicine - Reno Medicine
Thomas, Lisa lmthomas@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Thompson, Jeffrey S. thompsonj@unr.edu Office of the Provost Chemical Physics, Physics
Tian, Zong zongt@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tittiger, Claus crt@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Toney, Deric dtoney@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis (Online/Satellite)
Tosun, Mehmet tosun@unr.edu Economics Economics, Business-MBA
Townsend, Dianna dtownsend@unr.edu Educational Studies Literacy Studies PhD
Trugman, Daniel dtrugman@unr.edu Nevada Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Trump, Rosie rtrump@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance
Trzynadlowski, Andrzej chin@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Electrical Engineering
Tscherbul, Timur ttscherbul@unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics
Tshimanga-Kashama, Charles ckashama@unr.edu History History
Tsoulfanidis, Nicholas nikost@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Materials Science and Engineering
Tucker, Matthew matthewtucker@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Chemical Physics
Tull, John** jctull@gmail.com - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Tung, Ryan rtung@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Turner, John** jturner@nrel.gov - Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Tyler, Scott styler@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tyler Oberheim, Steven** steven-oberheim@utc.edu UTC: Philosophy Counseling
Upadhyay, Arun aupadhyay@unr.edu - Business-MBA
Urza, Alexandra** alexandrau@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Uz, Dilek dilekuz@unr.edu Economics Economics
Vaczi, Mariann mvaczi@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies Basque Studies
Vahidi, Ehsan evahidi@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering
Van Breugel, Floris fvanbreugel@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Van Der Linden, (Alexander) Sander avanderlinden@unr.edu Biology Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Van Hoesen, Brett bvanhoesen@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Vandergast, Amy** avandergast@usgs.gove - Geography
VanderMolen, Kristin kristin.vandermolen@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Anthropology
Vanderwall, Stephen B. sv@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Vannucci, Salli vannucci@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Nursing
Varganov, Sergey svarganov@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Vasquez, Victor vvasquez@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering
Velazquez, Mariana Cecilia marianaceciliav@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Verburg, Paul pverburg@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Verma, Subhash scverma@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Vigil, Debra dvigil@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Vikre, Peter pvikre@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Villalobos, Elizabeth elizabethvillalobos@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Von Bartheld, Chris cvonbartheld@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Von Nagy, Christopher cvonnagy@unr.edu History Anthropology, History
Voulgaris, Petros pvoulgaris@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Voyles, Jamie jvoyles@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Waddell, Glenn gwaddell@unr.edu Educator Preparation Secondary Education
Wagner, Karla karlawagner@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Wakeling, Brian** bwakeling@ndow.org - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Walden, Rachael rwalden@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Waldron, Jack** jackal@playarroyo.com - Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Walker, Barbara bbwalker@unr.edu History History
Wall, Tamara tamara.wall@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Geography
Wallace, Ian iwallace@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Experiment Station Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Wallace, Michelle michelle.gallivan-wallace@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Psychology
Walsh, Amber amberwalsh@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Walsh, Bridget bridgetw@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science, Information Technology (Education)
Walsh, Rochelle rochelleh@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Wan, Lipeng** wanl@ornl.gov - Computer Science and Engineering
Wan, Qi** qwan@medicine.nv.edu - Biomedical Engineering
Wang, Aobo aobow@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Wang, Eric elwang@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Wang, Xiaoliang xiaoliang.wang@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Wang, Yan yanwang@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Ward, Sean smward@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Warner, Carolyn carolynwarner@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Warren, Sean** swarren3@cdc.gov - Mining Engineering
Washington-Allen, Robert rwashingtonallen@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Environmental Sciences & Health
Watson, John G. john.watson@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Watters, Robert watters@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Watterson, Thomas L. twatterson@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Watts, Theresa theresawatts@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Webber, Jim jwebber@unr.edu English English
Weber, Ann annweber@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Nutrition
Webster, Michael A. mwebster@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, , Neuroscience
Weeks, Brandon brandonweeks@unr.edu College of Engineering Computing Center Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Weierich, Mariann mweierich@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Neuroscience
Weigel, Daniel weigeld@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Human Development Family Science, Social Psychology
Weinstein, Jonathan jdweinstein@unr.edu Physics Physics
Weisberg, Peter pweisberg@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Welch, Barrett barrettw@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Welder, Rachael rwelder@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Weller, Chuck** chuckweller@washoecourts.us - Judicial Studies
Wen, Lai lwen@unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Wesnousky, Steven G. wesnousky@unr.edu Nevada Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Westhoff, Erica ewesthoff@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
White, Carolyn clwhite@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
White, Paul paulwhite@unr.edu Geography Geography
White, Thomas tgwhite@unr.edu Physics Physics
Wichinsky, Lillian lwichinsky@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Wieser, Joseph jwieser@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Wiest, Lynda wiest@unr.edu Educational Studies Equity and Diversity in Education, Reading, Curriculum & Instruction
Wigand, Peter** pewigand@gmail.com - Geography
Wilcox, Eric eric.wilcox@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Wilkoff, Sean swilkoff@unr.edu Finance Business PhD-Finance
Williams, Christopher ctw@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts Philosophy
Williams, Joshua jbwilliams@unr.edu Physics Physics
Williams, Perry perryw@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Williams, Valerie vlw@medicine.nevada.edu Office for Faculty Medicine
Wilson, Steven** stevenwilson@brandeis.edu - Political Science
Windsor, Leah** leahwindsor@memphis.edu - Political Science
Winn, James F. jamesw@unr.edu Music Music
Wong, Jeff jawong@unr.edu Accounting Accountancy, Information Systems, Business-MBA
Woodliff, Tricia twoodliff@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling
Wriston, Teresa teresa.wriston@dri.edu DRI: Mathematics and Statistics Anthropology
Wu, Qun qunw@unr.edu Finance Business-MBA, Business PhD-Finance
Wu, Rui** WUR18@ecu.edu - Computer Science and Engineering
Wudarski, Jakub jwudarski@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry
Xu, Hao haox@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Xu, Hao haoxu@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Yamoah, Ebenezer eyamoah@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Yan , Feng fyan5@uh.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Yang, Alan alany@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Yang, Jingjing jingjingy@unr.edu Economics Economics
Yang, Lei leiy@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Yang, Wei weiyang@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health
Yang, Ying yingy@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Yang, Yu (Frank) yuy@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Yang, Yueran yuerany@unr.edu Psychology Social Psychology
Yelenik, Stephanie syelenik@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Yerka, Melinda myerka@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science
Yildiz, Serhat syildiz@unr.edu Finance Business-MBA, Finance, Business PhD-Finance
Yim, Won Cheol wyim@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Yimmee, Suchawadee syimmee@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Yoon, Ji Hwan jihwany@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
York, Robert** ryork@berkeley.edu - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Young, Benjamin benjaminyoung@unr.edu Philosophy Neuroscience, Philosophy
Young, Craig dcraigy@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Yu , Guo Guo.Yu@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Yun, Gi Woong gyun@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Zandawala, Meet mzandawala@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience
Zanjani, Esmail D. ezanjani@unr.edu Agriculture, Nutrition and Verinary Sciences Medicine
Zare Harofteh, Azimeh azimeh.zareharofteh@dri.edu DRI: Physics Atmospheric Sciences
Zeng, Hongchao hzeng@unr.edu Finance Finance
Zhang, Jun jun@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Zhang, Xiyue xiyuez@unr.edu Physics Atmospheric Sciences, Physics
Zhao, Dongfang dzhao@unr.edu - Computer Science and Engineering
Zheng, Haifeng haifengz@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Zheng, Yufeng yufengz@unr.edu - Materials Science and Engineering
Zhou, Tong tongz@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Zhu, Xiaoshan xzhu@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience
Zuza, Andrew azuza@unr.edu Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences