
Capstone instructor

Mano Misra
Mano Misra

The 2024 Senior Capstone course in materials science and engineering was taught by Mano Misra. To learn more about the materials science and engineering projects, please email Mano Misra.

About the department

Our undergraduate programs offer you the opportunity to work closely with our research-active faculty. Small class sizes and undergraduate research opportunities help you get to know your professors and provide opportunities to get hands-on research experience. We offer Nevada's only undergraduate degree program in chemical engineering and materials science and engineering. Visit the Department of Chemical & Materials Science Engineering

Explore the projects

  • MSE-1 Design of Novel Copper-Phosphate (Cu-Ph) Glass Materials for Biomedical Applications

    Students: Jade Beland, Abbey Hageman, James Jenks

    Investigation into the processing and development of a cupric-phosphate bioactive glass (Cu-Ph-BG) for craniofacial reconstruction of the zygomatic bones. The resulting material produced aims to increase biocompatibility using copper as a self-sterilizing material, while maintaining osteogenesis and angiogenesis. Implementation of such a glass develops further on current bioactive glass research. Analysis will be done to determine an ideal composition of Cu-Ph-BG. Glass composition will be determined by creating glass frit for analysis in cell culture.