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Student data reports

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Common data set

(by request)

The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report. The combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student's transition into higher education, as well as to reduce the reporting burden on data providers.


Degree overview

The degree overview offers details on the success the university has had by presenting metrics such as graduation rates, plan completions, and Time-to-Degree. The Time-to-Degree page presents the data in three different ways: Semesters attended, Career Time-to-Degree and IA (IPEDS) Time-to-Degree. Each page offers different views of the degree data with filters available such as academic career, college, and ethnicity.


Diversity and inclusion

This restricted report compares the enrollment trends by ethnicity in the application process to the enrollment trends that are defined by IPEDs to show the different diversity trends. This offers insights to key areas such as enrollment, retention rates, graduation rates and student time to completion. The data can also be filtered or sliced in many ways such as academic career, college, department, and academic plan.


Employee counts

The Worker Counts report lists the headcounts for University of Nevada, Reno workers as of November 1 for the most recent five years. The counts are broken out by employee type and include breakouts for faculty tenure status.


Enrollment dashboards

This report provides an overview of the enrollment pipeline by providing insights into key areas such as the application and admissions trends, student credit hour details, enrollment trends, academic plan enrollment, retention, and an overview of the Grad School. The data can also be filtered or sliced in many ways such as academic career, college, department, and ethnicity.


Grade distribution

The grade distribution report provides an overview of courses by showing the course headcount, average GPA by course and percentage of grades granted. It also provides the 10 courses by average GPA and the top 10 courses which have the highest DWF count.


Historic course enrollment

The course enrollment report provides insights to course enrollment by term since 2011, listing section enrollment, section capacity, and room capacity. This tabular format lists course title, session type, core curriculum flag, and offering college and department. Contains two pages (tabs) separating data by term and by weekly enrollment trend for each term.


Indigenous peoples

This restricted report compares the enrollment trends of the Alaskan/Native American enrollment to the enrollment trends that are defined by IPEDs. This offers insights to key areas such as enrollment, retention rates, graduation rates and allows for drill through capabilities on how to contact the students who are a part of this defined population. The data can also be filtered or sliced in many ways such as academic career, college, department and academic plan.



(external report)

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. These data are made available to students and parents through the and to researchers and others through the .



NevadaFIT enrollment by camp, student demographics, tuition/residency status, with calculation of average high school GPA, first-semester GPA, retention and graduation rates, math camp status, and retention and graduation rates. Comparison by college, department, and academic major.



Fall and spring term student credit hours and FTE since fall 2011 by college, department, and academic subject. Lists data in tabular format by undergraduate level (lower and upper division credits) and graduate level (Masters and Doctoral). Line charts display credit hour production over time. Contains two pages (tabs) separating student credit hours and FTE.


SNAP-Ed needs assessment

The SNAP-Ed Needs Assessment provides insights food security, nutrition, and physical activity across Nevada. This is a public facing report which is used in development of statewide plans for addressing nutrition, physical activity, food security and food safety.


Transfer-in students overview

The transfer-in students overview is a focused view of transfer students that provides insights to their retention rate, GPA and time-to-degree. The data can also be filtered by transfer in term, transfer institution, Pell eligibility, ethnicity and gender.


University enrollment report

The University of Nevada Enrollment Report offers a public view of enrollment trends. It provides a breakdown of the enrollment by career type, enrollment status and the associated demographics of the student population.


University peer comparison

The University Peer Comparison report utilizes the IPED’s data collection to compare the University of Nevada Reno academic success to our peers. It provides insights to information such as admissions, enrollment and degrees granted data.


Weekly enrollment and retention snapshot

This restricted report provides insight to the weekly registration of students for the current term in comparison to the overall enrollment from the prior term. The focus of this report is to increase enrollment and registration of students in the current term. The data can also be compared to prior semesters and in year-over-year comparisons. The report also provides insights to the overall credit enrollment for the current term to help increase enrollment of students who are not full time.