Seminar Series & Brown Bags

Join us for outstanding presentations from accomplished presenters.

Coordinator: Sean Wilkoff

Spring 2024 Seminar Series schedule

  • All seminars are in-person on Fridays,  10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in AB 108 unless otherwise noted. 
  • All presentation titles are to be announced.
  • All seminars are subject to change.
Dates, speakers and topics for the Finance Seminar series.
Date Speaker Institution Notes
3/22 Youchang Wu University of Oregon N/A
4/5 Nitzan Tzur-Ilan Dallas Federal Reserve N/A
4/26 Oliver Giesecke Stanford Hoover Institute N/A

Spring 2024 Brown Bag schedule

Bring your lunch and join us for presentations and discussions with our Finance faculty.

  • All Brown Bags are in-person and run from 11 a.m-12 p.m., unless otherwise noted.
  • Contact Amy Jensen at akjensen@unr.edu for the location.
Dates, speakers and topics for the Finance Brown Bag series.
Date Speaker Institution Notes
3/8 Shaddy Douidar University of Nevada Reno N/A