
You can make your contribution online!

You can also make your contribution by check! Make it payable to the UNR Foundation and add Apex Concerts in the memo line. Send your tax-deductible contribution to: Apex Concerts, University of Nevada, Reno, Department of Music 0226, Reno, NV 89557.

2022 - 2023 donor appreciation

Apex Concerts is a self-funded production and is only made possible by the support of dedicated individuals. Without your support, we would not exist!

  • Gioioso ($100+) Acknowledgment in concert programs (included in all levels)
  • Grazioso ($250+) Invitation for two to a closed rehearsal
  • Affettuoso $500+) Invitation for two to a closed rehearsal
  • Amoroso ($1,000+) Corporate sponsor’s company logo placement (included in all higher levels)
    • Invitation for four to a closed rehearsal
  • Grandioso ($2,500+) Designation as “Artist Sponsor”
    • Designation as “Artist Sponsor”
    • An invitation for two to a lunch/dinner with artists
    • Reserved seating of your preference
    • Invitation for four to a closed rehearsal
  • Maestoso ($5,000+) Dedication of one concert and prominent acknowledgment
    • Dedication of one concert and prominent acknowledgment*
    • An invitation for two to a lunch/dinner with artists
    • Reserved seating of your preference
    • Invitation for six to a closed rehearsal
  • Glorioso ($10,000+) An opportunity to host a House Concert with the Artistic Directors and friends
    • An opportunity to host a House Concert with the Artistic Directors and friends
    • An opportunity to sponsor the December 9th Brandenburg Concertos Performance
    • All the benefits of Maestoso
  • Imperioso ($25,000+) Season Dedication
    • Season Dedication
    • All the benefits of Glorioso

Please note: a donation to Apex Concerts is an unrestricted gift and could be used for, but not limited to, entertaining, hosting, travel, or employee perquisites.

Thank you for supporting chamber music at its highest!