Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal (NSURJ) announces the official publication of NSURJ Edition 8 on ScholarWorks

Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal (NSURJ) announces the official publication of NSURJ Edition 8 on ScholarWorks

The editorial staff of the Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal (NSURJ) is proud to announce the official publication of NSURJ Edition 8 on ScholarWorks. NSURJ is Nevada's premier undergrad research journal, established in 2014 by the Associated Students of the University of Nevada. Its mission is to offer students of all disciplines an opportunity to publish their work. Congrats to all of the recently published authors.

Kurtis Bertauche & Dr. So Young Ryu: "Application of Machine Learning in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Prediction;"

Riley Gillis: "Predicted Major Annual Pathological Consequences of Obesity-Encompassing Cardiovascular Disease with Respective Mortality, Cancer with Respective Mortality, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, and Depression with related Suicide-on United States adult public health for 2021-2022 based on trends from 2014-2020;"

Jacob Freed & Dr. Deena Schmidt: "Using Markov Chains to Outline Probability of Alcohol Dependence in Alcoholics;"

Alexandra Zoellner: "Practices and Beliefs of Superstitions in Nevada’s Scottish Diaspora;" 

Evan Tsuzaki & Dr. Sarah N. Mitchell: "Investigating the Lived Experiences of Plurisexual Men of Color;"

Mackenzie Kent, Julia O. Matos, Libby Rianda, & Dr. Bridget A. Walsh: "Homelessness in LGBTQ+ Emerging Adults: Understanding Perspectives and the Role of Family."

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