
6,518: Reorganization of Existing Research or Outreach Units

Last Revised: January 2005

The procedures below govern the reorganization of all any academic units. This includes the reorganization of any center, institute, bureau, program or other organizational unit involving research and/or outreach and NOT involving teaching programs awarding credits to students. See section 6,067 for reorganization of academic units involving teaching programs. 
Regulations regarding reorganization of existing departments, schools, colleges, or other academic units are specified in the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 7. A condensed proposal form entitled NSHE Proposal for Reorganization of Program/Unit is available from the Office of the Provost or from the university website forms page. The following information is required on the form:

  1. Title of proposed program or organizational unit to be reorganized.
  2. Date of initiation.
  3. Complete description and objectives of program or organizational unit (include justification for new organization or rationale for change in existing program).
  4. Relationship to other programs or units within the institution and the system.
  5. Resource analysis. Indicate the estimated annual financial impact. (Include operating costs, personnel, equipment, library requirements, other; and source of funds.)

The full proposal should outline the plans for success of the proposed unit. All proposals for new academic units need first to be approved by the appropriate college(s), and then should be forwarded by the dean(s) to the Provost's Office. 

The Provost's Office will forward proposals to the University Planning Council and the Faculty Senate for review and recommendation.  Some changes may come under the jurisdiction of the UNR By-Laws (Part 2, Chapter 1, Section 3) regarding changes in university organization. In accordance with Faculty Senate policy, completed proposals must be submitted to the Faculty Senate at least two full working months before consideration by the NSHE Academic Affairs Council.

 Additionally, review and recommendations from the Graduate Council, Academic Leadership Council and/or other committees may be sought at the discretion of the Provost. 

After receiving final recommendations, the president will determine whether or not to approve the final proposal and forward it to the NSHE Academic Affairs Council and the Board of Regents for approval.

Upon notification of approval by the Board of Regents, the Provost's Office will send a confirming memo to the department, with copies to the following: the appropriate College Dean, Admissions & Records, Planning, Budget & Analysis, Admissions and Records, the Graduate School (if applicable), the Vice Provost, University Assessment, and the President's Office.