
6,060: Unit Name Changes for Academic Units

Revised: November 2021

Departments, schools, colleges, and other academic units interested in changing their name should consult the appropriate administrator(s) regarding feasibility. (See section 6,516 for name changes for research or outreach units.) The proposer(s) should submit a preliminary proposal via Curriculog for consideration by the New Program Pre-Proposal (NPPP) Committee. This preliminary proposal should address the following:

  1. Proposed name change
  2. Brief description
  3. Justification
  4. Impact of the name change on other departments, colleges, university, and system
  5. Resources needed
  6. Financial impact

This proposal should include approval memos from other units affected by the name change.

Upon review and recommendation by the NPPP Committee, the proposing unit receives direction from the Provost's Office outlining how it should proceed.

If approved by the NPPP Committe, the proposed name change should be submitted using the organizational change approval process in Curriculog, which routes the proposal to the department, college, Provost's Office and the University Courses and Curriculum Committee (UCCC).

If recommended for approval by the UCCC, the Provost's Office may seek review and recommendations from the Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, and other appropriate administrative units, and makes a recommendation to the president. After receiving final recommendations, the president will determine if the final proposal will be forwarded for NSHE approval. The Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs determines if the change warrants NSHE Board of Regents' review and approval as well as Academic Affairs Council approval.

Upon the determination that all necessary approvals have been obtained, the Provost's Office sends a confirming memo to the department or unit, with copies to the following: the appropriate college dean, Admissions & Records, Planning, Budget & Analysis, the Graduate School (if applicable), the Assistant Vice Provost for University Assessment and Accreditation, and the President's Office.