
5,305: Posting, Distributing and Exhibiting of Public Announcements

Revised: January 2020

“Public Announcements” include posters, signs, circulars, newspapers, pamphlets, handbills, fliers, sandwich boards, chalking, printed materials, handwritten materials and other means of conveying information on University property.

No Public Announcement may be on, attached to, or written on any structure or natural feature of any University facility such as the sides or doors of buildings, windows, the surface of walkways (unless approved under the chalking guidelines) or streets, fountains, posts, fences, monuments, waste receptacles, natural features, trees, shrubbery, rocks, or statues. Manzanita Lake and its shoreline are considered natural features. No Public Announcement may be placed on a vehicle other than by the owner or driver of the vehicle, or by a member of Police Services or Parking & Transportation Services.

Both Non-University Announcements and University Announcements, defined below, are allowed on campus only as specified in this policy and the Public Announcement guidelines relating to matters including but not limited to size, safety requirements and distribution hours [link]. The specific guidelines are available either from the Scheduling Services Office, the University department or unit responsible for the facility or the University website. The University Group or Outside Group, as those terms are defined in UAM 5,302, seeking publication or distribution of a Public Announcement shall be responsible for reasonable clean-up costs and any damage to University property. Failure to comply with this policy and the Public Announcement guidelines shall result in the Public Announcement being removed from University property. Failure to comply with this policy and the Public Announcement guidelines shall result in the loss of the privilege for up to one year. Appeals for loss of posting, distributing and exhibiting privileges may be directed to the Office of the Provost.

Non-University Public Announcements: Non-University Public Announcements are those created, developed, sponsored by or originating from an Outside Group as that term is defined in UAM 5,302, i.e., an organization, entity, group or individual not associated, affiliated, or employed by the University. Non-University Public Announcements are not allowed to be distributed at exterior locations and shall have limited interior sites. The only campus buildings allowed to have interior Non-University Public Announcements locations shall be the residence halls and the Joe Crowley Student Union. Distribution in those campus buildings is to be scheduled directly with Residential Life and/or the Joe Crowley Student Union, respectively. Non-University Public Announcements shall be displayed and maintained as required by the Public Announcement guidelines discussed above.

University Public Announcements: University Public Announcements are those created, developed, sponsored by or originating from a University Groups, as that term is defined in UAM 5,302, i.e., colleges, divisions, departments or units, ASUN and/or ASUN-recognized clubs, GSA and/or GSA organizations. University Public Announcements are allowed at specified exterior locations and at least one distribution point inside each campus building if posting can be accommodated without compromising safety. Safety considerations are evaluated by the Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee in consultation with Facility Services. Exterior and interior distribution sites and all other specifications also shall be determined by Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee in consultation with Facility Services. The Office of Marketing & Communications has the authority to approve which materials are official University Public Announcements.

Approval for Posting on Bulletin Boards: All bulletin boards on campus are assumed to be “public view bulletin boards” unless identified as a “legal notice bulletin board” or a “department bulletin board”.

Public View Bulletin Boards: University Public Announcements to be posted on “public view bulletin boards” shall be approved by the Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee before posting, except that the Associate Vice President of Student Services or his or her designee also can approve University Public Announcements from recognized student groups. Any approval by the Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee or the Associate Vice President of Student Services or his or her designee, shall be based on compliance with this policy and the Public Announcement guidelines and not on the content or viewpoints expressed in the University Public Announcement.

Non-University Public Announcements to be posted on "public view bulletin boards" shall be approved by the Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee before posting. Any approval by the Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee shall be based on compliance with this policy and the Public Announcement guidelines and not on the content or viewpoints expressed in the Non-University Public Announcement. Non-University Publications shall include the following statement on the face of the document and may be part of the text of the document or affixed with a stamp available in the Scheduling Services Office: "The contents of this document do not reflect an opinion or endorsement by the University of Nevada, Reno. This document is not printed or distributed at state expense."

Specific guidelines and the fee structure for posting Non-University Public Announcements are available from the Scheduling Services Office.

All Public Announcements must include the official source of the posting and contact information on whose behalf the material is posted. All Public Announcements on the "public view bulletin boards" shall be removed on the first working day of every month by the building custodial staff. A copy of all Public Announcements approved by the Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee and/or the Associate Vice President of Student Services or his or her designee shall be kept on file by that office.

Department Bulletin Boards: Postings are at the discretion of and maintained by the University department or recognized student group responsible for a given bulletin board.

Legal Notice Bulletin Boards: The University department responsible for designating a bulletin board as a “legal notice bulletin board” is responsible for all postings and for the subsequent removal of those postings.

Tabling: Exterior and interior tabling space is reserved and used pursuant to UAM 5,302.

Election Signs: The ASUN and GSA may have announcements or signs on campus grounds only for ASUN and GSA elections in accordance with election guidelines and UAM 5,456, Slackline, Hammock, Ropes and Tent Stakes. Tabling: Exterior and interior tabling space is reserved and used pursuant to UAM 5,302.

Chalking: Any University Group as that term is defined in UAM 5,302 may chalk on sidewalks for the limited purpose of advertising the time, date, location and sponsor of University Events as that term is defined in UAM 5,302 or University approved Events or Major Events sponsored by ASUN, recognized ASUN clubs, GSA and recognized GSA clubs. Chalking is not allowed for general messages or programming. Permission to chalk must be received from the Associate Vice President for Student Services or his or her designee for chalking in front of the Joe Crowley Student Union, the E. L. Wiegand Fitness Center and residence halls and from the Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee for chalking in all other areas. All chalking shall comply with the chalking guidelines ( Scheduling Services).

Sandwich Boards: Sandwich boards are temporary signage that may be used on a limited basis to announce campus facilities or the time, date, location and sponsor of a University Event as that term is defined in UAM 5,302. Sandwich Boards are not allowed to be used for general messages or programming. Sandwich boards may be used for a maximum of two weeks to announce facilities and a maximum of three days to announce University Events. No more than two boards may be used for the same facility or University Event. Sandwich boards cannot be larger than 2 x 4 feet. Sandwich boards shall be weighted and may only be placed in locations approved by the Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget & Analysis or his or her designee, in consultation with Facilities Services. For assistance with identifying the correct sandwich board types for purchase and approved locations please contact Scheduling Services Office.

Signage used by the University associated with construction and construction zones is exempt from this policy.