
5,205: Division of Responsibility Between the University of Nevada System and the State Public Works

Last Revised: May 1998

Project Design Process: The following general procedures and divisions of responsibility shall govern the design of all projects financed in whole or part by state appropriated funds:

  1. Detailed project programs based on legislative action shall be prepared by the university and submitted to the State Public Works Board for approval.
  2. Detailed project budgets based on the university program and legislative appropriations and authorizations shall be prepared by the State Public Works and submitted to the University for review and comment prior to adoption by the State Public Works Board.
  3. The State Public Works insures that qualified architects and engineers are retained to design all projects. The preparation, execution, and administration of professional service agreements shall be the responsibility of the State Public Works Board.
  4. Preliminary and final plans and specifications shall be approved by the University prior to being approved by the State Public Works Board.
  5. The contract documents and bid schedule shall be approved by the State Public Works Board after consultation with the University.
  6. The bidding procedures shall be a State Public Works Board responsibility.
  7. The technical and professional staffs of the University and the State Public Works Board shall cooperate to ensure the satisfactory design of the project.

Construction Procedures: The following general procedures and division of responsibility shall govern the construction procedures on all projects funded in whole or in part by state-appropriated funds.

  1. The State Public Works Board shall award construction contracts with the concurrence of the university. Construction contracts jointly financed by state-appropriated funds and by non-appropriated funds shall be executed by both the State Public Works Board and the University.
  2. The administration of construction contracts shall be a State Public Works Board responsibility, and the Board shall comply with all commitments made by the university in obtaining non-appropriated funds. Expenditures during the administration of the contract shall be consistent with the approved budget. All change orders shall be submitted to the University for review and comment prior to approval. The State Public Works Board shall, prior to final payment to the contractor, provide copies of "as built" drawings and guarantees to the university on all completed projects.
  3. Final acceptance and the "Notice of Completion" shall be a State Public Works Board responsibility.

The technical and professional staffs of the University and the State Public Works Board shall cooperate to ensure the satisfactory completion of all construction projects.

Procedures for Projects Financed by Non-Appropriated Funds: The following procedures shall govern all physical development projects, including land acquisitions, in which no state-appropriated funds are involved.

  1. The University has the primary responsibility for these projects.
  2. Preliminary plans showing the site and architecture shall be submitted to the State Public Works Board for review and comment.
  3. Proposed acquisitions of land by the University shall be submitted to the State Public Works Board for review and comment.
  4. The State Public Works Board provides architectural and engineering services to the University upon request of the University.
  5. Final plans of all construction work which establishes new facilities shall be submitted to the State Public Works Board for review and comment prior to bidding.