
1,404: International Travel

Revised: August 2019


The University encourages and supports international travel by faculty, staff and students. Recognizing that there are special risks associated with international travel, this policy is intended to promote the health, safety, and security of all members of the University community while traveling abroad and to define the review and approval process for University-sponsored or University-related international travel.

The University reserves the right to prohibit or suspend university sponsored or university-related travel to any destination by faculty, staff, or students if significant health, safety, or security concerns pose risks that warrant such a decision or if the University procedures for international travel are not followed.


This International Travel Policy applies to all faculty, staff, volunteers and students traveling outside of the United States for University-sponsored or University-related purposes, which may include, but are not limited to, study, research, internships, service, conferences/presentations, teaching, performances, student activities or athletic competitions.

This policy governs all travel abroad opportunities sponsored by, related to, or affiliated with the University. This includes travel by undergraduate students, graduate students, medical school residents, graduate assistants, or programs arranged by a college, department, program, or club. This policy does not govern travel programs that have no formal affiliation with and/or are not approved by the University, alumni international travel, and consortia programs such as, but not limited to, USAC, Doctors Without Borders, and Habitat For Humanity.


Any faculty, staff, volunteers, or students participating in International Travel sponsored by, related to, or affiliated with the University shall first submit an International Travel Authorization Request to BCN Risk Management prior to the date of travel. Requests received fewer than 30 calendar days prior to the date of travel may not provide adequate time for review, and travel may not be reimbursable. International Travel Authorization requests submitted after travel has been completed shall not be reimbursable. Travel is not approved until the traveler receives an email confirmation from the BCN Risk Management. A traveler whose travel request has been denied may appeal that decision to the Executive Vice President & Provost. The appeal must be in writing and must demonstrate good cause for the travel to be approved. The Executive Vice President & Provost or his/her designee shall have final approval authority in regard to international travel requests.

An International Travel Safety and Risk Assessment Form shall be completed by the "Travel Leader" (department representative, faculty or any other staff who coordinate, lead, advise or approve travel and/or study abroad to any international destination) for travel that involves: (1) students; or (2) a destination country that is on the Department of State's travel warning, watch, alert or sanction list. The International Travel Safety and Risk Assessment Form shall be submitted by the Travel Leader to BCN Risk Management and may be referred to an International Travel Committee ("ITC") for additional review prior to approval.

A faculty/staff member who travels to the same location for the same activity on more than one occasion in a calendar year shall complete the International Travel Safety and Risk Form for Faculty/Staff Travel for the first trip, but thereafter during that same calendar year, the faculty/staff member can use the shorter form for recurring or frequent travel.

The forms listed below are available on HR's international travel information page.

  • International Travel Safety and Risk Form for Faculty/Staff Travel
  • International Travel Safety and Risk Form for Student Travel
  • International Travel Safety and Risk Form for Recurring, Frequent Faculty/Staff Travel (short form)

International Travel Committee (ITC)

The ITC consists of representatives from the Provost's Office, Student Services, Human Resources/Risk Management Office, Office of International Students and Scholars, Office of Sponsored Projects, Extended Studies, Travel Office, the Organizational Resilience Manager, and no more than two faculty members. The Chair of the ITC is the representative from the Provost's Office.  The General Counsel's office will provide legal advice to the ITC. The ITC develops and revises procedures related to international travel, analyzes and responds to emergencies, and makes recommendations to the Provost. Routine monitoring of worldwide travel alerts, political unrest, and natural disasters is conducted through the Risk Management Office. In the event a situation arises that impacts current travelers, the ITC may be convened to analyze the situation and make recommendations to the Provost. The Provost or his/her designee shall have final authority to require the immediate return of the travelers.

International Travel Procedures

Any faculty, staff, volunteers, or students participating in International Travel sponsored by, related to, or affiliated with the University shall follow the .

Student Travel and Faculty Coordinated Study Abroad/Service Learning

Faculty or any other staff who coordinate, lead, advise or approve student travel and/or study abroad to any international destination shall follow the International Travel Procedures in regard to risk assessment, planning and coordinating the travel and developing and communicating safety, risk management, and emergency plans. Resources and training are available to faculty and other staff to assist in the planning and coordination of international student travel and emergency plans. The Travel Leader shall submit all documents required pursuant to the International Travel Procedures to the International Travel Director by established time frames prior to the final approval of the student travel request.

Export Controls

Federal export and sanctions regulations prohibit the unlicensed export of specific commodities, software, services, technology and payments to or from certain countries, entities and individuals for reasons of national security, foreign policy or protection of trade. Travelers are required to comply with U.S. export and sanctions regulations. Licenses that may be required pursuant to these regulations can take up to several months to obtain and shall be obtained prior to departure. The Research Compliance Program Manager in the Office of Sponsored Projects can assist in obtaining export required licenses.

Fly America Act

Individuals whose travel is Federally-funded shall comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C 40118, commonly referred to as the "Fly America Act".

Insurance and Travel Services

Travel related services, access to emergency hospital deposits, emergency medical evacuation services, and foreign workers compensation benefits are provided to faculty, staff, and volunteers through the Human Resources/Risk Management Office during work related travel. In addition, regular health plan benefits may also provide foreign travel assistance. Students (excluding student employees, graduate assistants, or PhD students on assignment), are required to purchase an individual travel insurance policy for the duration of the travel period through an approved vendor, unless a written waiver is received from the Risk Management Office.

Rental Vehicles

Individuals who rent vehicles abroad shall purchase full insurance, including liability and physical damage, as part of the rental agreement. NSHE contracts for vehicle rentals do not include foreign countries. If a vehicle is purchased overseas, an insurance policy that specifically covers the vehicle for liability and comprehensive/collision damage must also be purchased from an insurer in that country.

International Allowable Travel Expenses

If reimbursement for international travel expenses is sought, a Spend Authorization must be submitted in Workday. The International Travel Authorization form will need to be attached to the Spend Authorization in WOrkday. This Employee Travel Request Form is different from the International Travel Authorization Request Form. International travel per diem is based on U.S. Department of State Foreign per diem rates. These rates change quite frequently. Current per diem rates can be found online at the . Non-surveyed rates are covered by an "Other" category for each country. Approval of lodging rates in excess of currently authorized rates must be obtained on the "Employee's Travel Request" form prior to the trip from the individual authorized to approve such travel. Exceptions may be made for up to 175% of the federal rate for surveyed and 300% for non-surveyed destination. Lodging expense in excess of the federal foreign per diem rates may be charged to federal grants and contracts or to indirect cost recovery accounts unless a specific sponsor requirement does not allow for this charge. 

Emergencies or Safety Related Events

Travel Leaders or individual travelers shall report any accidents, injuries, safety-related or emergency situations encountered while traveling to the Executive Vice President & Provost and/or the Vice-Provost Undergraduate Education as soon as possible.