
2,359: Release Time for Classified Employee SEC Events and University Committee Service

Revised: March 2019

The University is supportive of shared governance and employee involvement.   Managers, supervisors, department chairs, deans and vice presidents are encouraged to support their classified employees' involvement in Staff Employees' Council (SEC) activities. SEC Council members and other representatives appointed to the SEC and/or university committees are granted administrative leave of up to a maximum of eight hours per month to perform duties of the committee.  Each committee member is responsible for scheduling the time away from work through his/her supervisor and submitting a leave request form (administrative leave) prior to the activity. 

Administrative leave of up to two hours is granted to any classified employee who attends the annual Staff Employees' Council Service and Awards Event. The employee is responsible for scheduling the time away from work through his/her supervisor and submitting a leave request form (administrative leave) prior to the activity. 

Administrative leave of up to one hour is granted to any classified employee who attends the annual Open House event. The employee is responsible for scheduling the time away from work and submitting the appropriate leave request. 

The leave must be approved prior to the event.